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發(fā)布時間:2018-11-04 13:36
[Abstract]:The construction of power information collection system and the orderly use of electricity is an important part of the construction of electric power enterprises in China, which reflects the inevitable stage of the implementation of the "two transformations" and "three sets and five" policies of the State Grid Company. With the rapid development of power information acquisition system and power demand, and the continuous reform of application depth, higher requirements have been put forward for the maintenance of power information collection system and the scientific and reasonable work of electricity consumption in an orderly manner. Starting from the overall arrangement of the construction of the large marketing system and the building of the power information collection system of the State Network Company, this paper takes the marketing business of Liaoyang Power supply Company as the research object. The thesis has completed the research of the power information collection system and the orderly power consumption mode in the construction of the big marketing system. The functions and working standards of the system application are put forward, and the interface between the application of the collection system and the operation and maintenance of the system in all levels of the company is designed, so that the application of the power information collection system and the orderly use of electricity in Liaoyang Power supply Company are obviously improved. In the aspect of power consumption information collection, this study has planned a more standard operation and maintenance system of electric information acquisition system, and paid attention to strengthening the later maintenance work. The success rate of reading is improved as a prerequisite for the application of electric information acquisition system. According to the current situation of electric power enterprises, the existing system operation and maintenance system is reformed, and a new mode of acquisition and maintenance is established. The power information collection system includes the construction of a digital television point-to-point "electricity bill notice" service platform, no manual intervention in the construction of meter reading and reminders, and customers using short messages and voice calls. Digital TV and other means to achieve the adoption of a variety of subscription methods to receive bills due to the measures have been improved, so that the acquisition coverage, the success rate of more than 98%, the basic realization of electric power enterprise information collection "double" management. Therefore, by improving the efficiency of copying work, the human resources of electric power enterprises can be intensively optimized, and the focus of work of copying staff is transferred from traditional manual copying to on-site service, and the quality service level of power supply is improved. The construction of modern electric information collection system also plays a positive role in the construction of enterprise information. In this study, the orderly power consumption scheme is developed to achieve the regional power restriction, and to achieve a full and meticulous management. The idea of fine management is introduced into the process management of the ordered power consumption scheme. From the point of view of management, this paper expounds how to realize the refinement of the orderly power consumption scheme. This paper analyzes on the connotation of the meticulous management of the ordered power consumption scheme, probes into the ways to realize the fine management of the orderly power use work from the technical and management angles, and establishes the fine management system of the orderly power consumption management. It realizes the fine management of the orderly work of electricity consumption.


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