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發(fā)布時間:2018-10-15 20:15
[Abstract]:With the development of data display technology, large-scale enterprises in planning, construction, operation, maintenance, marketing, human capital, finance, materials and other business comprehensive monitoring and analysis needs are increasingly prominent. In order to achieve the business activities of enterprises to conduct comprehensive supervision. Therefore, we need to provide intuitive and convenient large screen display applications, support large screen, desktop, mobile applications and other carriers, through these carriers to display a wealth of large screen display and desktop query, drilling analysis, to meet the State Grid Corporation headquarters, Provincial, municipal, a total of 287 operation monitoring screen construction. Through the analysis of customer demand, we know that the difficulty of this large screen construction lies in the need to support 287 screen splicing with different resolution, and to provide a large screen display system with "one time design, multiple use". Therefore, the system adopts vector drawing technology based on arbitrary scaling and dot matrix rendering as the technology selection. The system is constructed with C / S architecture. The architecture is subdivided into three subsystems: client, server and data service. Through vector rendering, vector analysis and image splicing, the system adapts to the flexibility and resolution adaptability of large screen rendering. Among them, the client is constructed with C # development language to meet the need of fine operation of drawing, and the server takes into account the convenience of heterogeneous system access, chooses JAVA language to construct, and communicates with the client through Socket. In order to meet the data access requirements of various third party data sources, a data collector is constructed by using independent external service. In image mosaic, the traditional centralized image mosaic is replaced by X86 service distributed rendering and image mosaic technology, which can meet the requirements of fast stitching with large resolution and reducing the cost of hardware investment. Finally, a large screen display system with the main functions of designer, player, controller and data collector is formed. Through a series of tests on the system, the results show that the function of the system meets the requirements and the usability of the system is verified. The large screen display system using vector rendering technology has the ability to design multiple adaptations in a single time. Its distributed image acquisition and rendering architecture can be constructed and expanded quickly and can meet the needs of large screen construction.


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