
當(dāng)前位置:主頁(yè) > 管理論文 > 營(yíng)銷論文 >


發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-10-09 20:02
[Abstract]:The emergence of science and technology education products is the need of the times, is a market that is being developed and has great potential, and the competition among enterprises is becoming more and more intense. Through the research on marketing strategy of science and technology education product, this paper tries to put the marketing theory achievement into practice and bring it to the operation and management of the enterprise, so as to give other enterprises guidance, reference and inspiration. Through the research on the marketing of science and technology education products, this paper tries to apply the knowledge of marketing theory to the concrete market practice, to provide the marketing practice for enterprises, and to analyze the brand operation and channel construction of science and technology education products. Marketing strategies such as sales promotion management, such as marketing strategies, point out their successful experiences and existing problems, risks, as well as suggestions for further improvement strategies, so as to perfect the marketing strategy framework of science and technology education products, contribute to the industry, and increase the efficiency of enterprises. Especially when the products of the enterprise are in the stage of introduction to the growing period, how to integrate marketing quickly, seize and expand the market capacity after cutting into the market, and provide theoretical and practical reference for the formulation of marketing strategy. Through the methods of literature research, market research, case study, qualitative analysis and quantitative research, this paper discusses the concept of scientific and technological education products in the process of marketing. Behavior and other related issues, combined with the actual case study on the marketing of science and technology education products at Peking University, a survey of the entire science and technology education product industry in China, in the actual operation of marketing, There are more or less problems in the implementation of STP marketing strategy theory, which still need to be improved and updated. At the same time, the paper analyzes the marketing strategy of science and technology education products for other enterprises. By using the theory of STP marketing strategy, this paper comprehensively analyzes the marketing decisions of scientific and technological education product manufacturers in the aspects of market segmentation, target market positioning and product positioning. Through a practical case study on the educational product marketing of Peking University, it is found that its success is determined by many factors, but it is still lacking in the actual marketing process. Throughout the science and technology education product industry of our country, in the actual operation process of marketing, there are more or less problems in the implementation of STP marketing strategy theory, which still need to be perfected and updated. To study the marketing of science and technology education products, sum up the past experience, synthesize the domestic and foreign market dynamics, and absorb the essence of marketing in traditional education industry and other industries, This paper analyzes and summarizes the marketing elements suitable for the development and expansion of science and technology education enterprises, so as to promote the optimization and coordinated development of the market of science and technology education industry, and ensure that the products and services of science and technology education can be favored by more consumers. To provide consumers with products and services that are in line with their value. As an important organizational function, marketing plays a more and more important role, which can be used for reference in the future development and growth of existing science and technology education enterprises, so as to comprehensively improve the quality and efficiency of education in our country. To build a strong human resources country.


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