
當(dāng)前位置:主頁(yè) > 管理論文 > 營(yíng)銷論文 >


發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-09-19 18:13
[Abstract]:As the birthplace of koji making, the history of drinking liquor in China can be traced back to the Spring and Autumn period. After the reform and opening up, the liquor market is also one of the first industries to be developed to private enterprises. After years of development, the wine market of our country has developed into a state of complete competition, after joining WTO, The entry of foreign wine products undoubtedly makes the competition of wine market become more and more intense. How to survive and develop in the fierce market, if we adjust the orientation and characteristics of products according to the changes of people's drinking culture and habits, how to find their own foothold in the development of the industry, These problems have become the core problems in the management and development of various types of liquor production and sales enterprises. QC Liquor Company was established in the 1980s as a liquor production enterprise. After years of development, The company has developed into a more famous liquor production enterprise in Weifang. Facing the fierce market competition, how to formulate a more scientific and efficient marketing strategy, Improving the range of products and profitability is the core issue to ensure the company's long-term development. This paper takes QC Liquor Company as the research object, starting from the basic situation of the QC Liquor Company, using the FMEA model to carry on the concrete appraisal and analysis to the current marketing strategy of the company. The main problems in product marketing of the company are put forward. On this basis, this paper takes QC Wine Company as the center, analyzes the external macro environment of its marketing, the competition environment of the industry and the strengths, weaknesses, challenges and opportunities of the enterprises themselves. Through the comprehensive analysis of its operating environment, the adjustment of its product marketing strategy is pointed out. Then, combining the relationship marketing, consumer psychology and behavior, network marketing, brand marketing and 4P theory, this paper formulates the improvement strategies of the company's products, prices, channels and promotions to make up for the shortcomings of the existing marketing strategies. To improve the market competitiveness and market promotion ability of products, and then improve the sales volume of products and enhance the reputation of the market, promote the development and growth of QC Wine Company. Finally, in order to ensure that QC wine company's new marketing strategy can be successfully promoted and implemented, and can obtain the understanding and support of all levels of management of the company, to ensure that the sales policies can produce good results. In this paper, the author evaluates the marketing executive power of QC Wine Company, and puts forward specific countermeasures to promote the implementation of various marketing strategies and achieve good results.


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