
當(dāng)前位置:主頁(yè) > 管理論文 > 營(yíng)銷論文 >


發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-09-19 15:44
[Abstract]:Since the opening up of the retail market of refined oil, private gas station enterprises have got great opportunities for development. And large state-owned oil group, foreign oil giant also with its strong resource advantage, occupied the advantageous position in the market. In the face of large monopolistic state-owned enterprises and multinational giants with advanced management experience, private enterprises need to carefully examine the marketing environment, examine the macro-environmental elements such as political-legal, economic, social-cultural, technological, demographic and natural, etc. And the enterprise itself, suppliers, competitors, consumers, the public and other micro-environmental elements. On the basis of the analysis of marketing environment, this paper carefully identifies the important variables related to the management and development of enterprises, puts forward marketing strategies with a high strategic level, and creates conditions to ensure that marketing strategies can be carried out. Specifically, Zhongyuan Oil Company needs to carry out market segmentation first, delimiting groups with similar needs from a large number of consumers with different needs to match the resource endowment of the enterprise. Provide products and services to target customer groups. In order to occupy the target market, the company needs to position its products and brands, provide customers with unique benefits and attributes, separate from competitors, and suppress competitive products and brands as much as possible. The unique attributes and interests of enterprises should be the commitment to consumers, should be distinct from the competitors, and the most important thing should be to occupy the consumer's mind and be accepted by consumers. In order to better establish brand positioning, enterprises should pay attention to the differences and common treatment. The difference points emphasize the product, the brand has the unique attribute and the benefit, the competition product brand does not have; the common point emphasizes that the product brand has the common attribute and the benefit of the product brand within the category, to suppress the competitive product, It is important to overturn the so-called difference point. Besides STP strategy, Zhongyuan Oil Company should pay attention to brand building and customer relationship management. Brand construction should pay attention to strengthen brand value, enhance customer experience; make brand and customer identity have identity; brand communication to achieve standardization, identity; close brand customer relationship, enhance brand equity. In order to carry out the marketing strategy better, Zhongyuan Oil Company needs to do a good job in several aspects, such as organization mode, human resource management and information system, etc. Optimize the structure of property rights, optimize the structure of organization and governance, and standardize external and internal management. Talent is the ultimate driving force for the development of enterprises. The company should establish an innovative team with technical talents and marketing talents as its fulcrum, establish a reasonable and effective incentive mechanism, and build a corporate culture. In the long run, enterprises should adopt scientific methods and invest in management information systems to provide guarantee for scientific decision making and marketing strategy implementation.


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