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發(fā)布時間:2018-01-09 23:32

  本文關(guān)鍵詞:金秀大瑤山旅游形象研究 出處:《廣西師范學院》2015年碩士論文 論文類型:學位論文

  更多相關(guān)文章: 金秀大瑤山 旅游形象 生態(tài)瑤都

[Abstract]:With the prominent role of tourism image in tourism marketing, all the tourist destinations are eager to set up their own tourism image, claiming that they have unique landscape resources. However, the marketing of many tourist destinations can not achieve the desired results. The reason is that the image of the tourist destination is not recognized by the tourists, and the perceived image of the tourists and the publicity image of the tourist destination have a cognitive bias. From the perspective of cognitive psychology, this is the result of the different perception of tourist destination information between tourism managers and tourists. Since Dr Hunt. Tourism image research has become an important field of tourism research, but only a few studies are aware of the existence of cognitive differences in tourism image, and lack of empirical research on tourism image difference management. In particular, there is a lack of comprehensive and targeted empirical research on how to carry out differential management of tourism image in small and medium scale. It is necessary to carry out empirical research on the difference management of tourism image in small and medium scale. This paper starts with the elements of tourism image of Jinxiu Dayaoshan and analyzes the factors that affect the tourism image of Jinxiu Dayaoshan. Including the Jinxiu Dayao Mountain, including the geographical vein, context and tourism resources characteristics. Using the method of historical and logical unity, in detail elaborated the development of Jinxiu Dayaoshan tourist destination and the process of the evolution of tourism image. It is found that the tourism image and the resource level have been mismatched, showing that the resource level is high, the characteristics are obvious and the tourism image is not well known. Deep analysis found that tourism products is an important factor to limit the dissemination of tourism image of Jinxiu Dayaoshan. Through the use of questionnaire survey method, field investigation of tourism for the tourism image of Jinxiu Dayaoshan perception. Through the investigation and analysis, it is found that the ecological Yao is the overall positioning of the tourism image of Jinxiu Dayaoshan, although the official will of the image positioning is dominant. But from the resource characteristics, tourism market demand, is in line with the tourism development needs of Jinxiu Dayaoshan, and tourism products do not match. The lack of tourism image marketing is the main reason for the difficulty in establishing the tourism image of Jinxiu Dayaoshan. The article relies on the theories of psychology and behavior, tourism geography, marketing and so on. On the basis of explaining the management objectives of the tourism image of Jinxiu Dayaoshan, combined with the situation of tourists' perception in the field investigation, this paper puts forward the countermeasures to promote the establishment of the tourism image of Jinxiu Dayaoshan. Try to solve the Jinxiu Dayaoshan tourism development process encountered problems.


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