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發(fā)布時間:2018-01-09 18:38

  本文關(guān)鍵詞:山西漆器工藝的傳承發(fā)展研究 出處:《太原理工大學》2016年碩士論文 論文類型:學位論文

  更多相關(guān)文章: 山西漆器 傳統(tǒng)工藝 發(fā)展現(xiàn)狀 非物質(zhì)文化 傳承與創(chuàng)新

[Abstract]:According to the Shanxi art history, has a long history dating back more than 4550 years, to become the country's first use of natural lacquer provinces. From the beginning of 1950s to 80s, the influence of Shanxi culture industry restructuring and paint a thousand things wait to be done in the public-private partnership under the resumption and development, set up eight regional lacquerware industry make Shanxi province become China four one of the famous paint areas. The inheritance and development of Shanxi lacquer thesis: the first part introduces the background of the research topic, research review, research at home and abroad, the significance and methods; the second part will be the origin of the Shanxi traditional lacquer art background and rich cultural heritage paint combination, analysis of Shanxi superior natural resources and spread the origin of changes in Shanxi Province eight lacquer; lacquer industry recovery and development since the founding of the third part is the conclusion of the fourth part separately from the lacquer; Unique charm, type, process, the artistic features of the five aspects of decoration and aesthetic effect of commentary summary of Shanxi lacquer craft; the fifth part outlines the development status of Shanxi lacquer craft, including the traditional craft heritage, Shanxi lacquer in the same industry influence, facing the master of Arts and crafts and lacquer paint industry development process since the founding of Shanxi lacquer culture industry make an important contribution to the plight; the last part explore the diversified development mode in the future of Shanxi lacquerware technology, develop new products to adapt to the era of creative, the traditional technology of recovery techniques at the same time to update the product structure and production technology, the development of high-end Collectible artwork, increase marketing and paint of cultural relics the repair work. Through field investigation, literature, history and evolution of the research methods of individual interview system to analyze the Shanxi lacquerware craft According to the development status, development measures of Shanxi lacquer craft industry summary, let more people understand the concern of paint, paint, will vigorously promote the development of Shanxi arts and crafts industry, in response to the national culture construction and the protection of intangible cultural heritage to contribute their contribution.



相關(guān)期刊論文 前10條

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1 李瑞君;山西漆器工藝的傳承發(fā)展研究[D];太原理工大學;2016年

2 李琳瓏;滇西北民族民間漆器工藝文化研究[D];云南大學;2013年

3 張健;現(xiàn)代福州漆工身份嬗變研究[D];江南大學;2008年

4 姜小凡;揚州漆器工藝時尚產(chǎn)品的創(chuàng)意策略及開發(fā)研究[D];江南大學;2013年

5 車謙亮;濰坊紅木嵌銀漆器工藝調(diào)查研究[D];西安美術(shù)學院;2013年





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