
當前位置:主頁 > 管理論文 > 物流管理論文 >


發(fā)布時間:2018-07-31 15:41
[Abstract]:This paper discusses the software development of Donghao Marine Logistics Export Service Management system. The information system is one of the components of the logistics information management platform of Donghao Company, which realizes the comprehensive transaction processing function for the export business of marine logistics. In this paper, the software function, design, programming and testing of the information system are systematically described around the actual business requirements. In the aspect of requirement analysis, the paper first analyzes the information and processing methods of the system from the perspective of the role of the department business personnel, and constructs the corresponding functional requirements model. The paper takes the process and the main links of the export business of marine logistics as the clue, focusing on the export booking, export customs manifest management, export document compilation management, The functional requirements such as inventory management are analyzed and explained, and the functional use case model is given. In the aspect of software design, the paper describes the outline design and detailed design of Donghao company's export service management system of marine logistics, and describes the framework of the software architecture. On this basis, the internal object composition and processing process of the transaction flow mechanism and the specific transaction execution processing unit are described. In the aspect of programming realization, the implementation method, module running and deployment of the main object and transaction processing program in this software are briefly described, and the test contents, methods and test examples are summarized. At present, Donghao's seaborne logistics export service management system has been deployed and tested in a trial run to better meet the functional requirements of business management. In particular, the accuracy of transaction processing and the integrity of information have been improved significantly, and the development goal of the software has been achieved.


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