
當(dāng)前位置:主頁 > 管理論文 > 物流管理論文 >


發(fā)布時間:2018-07-31 07:00
[Abstract]:Logistics park is an advanced form of modern logistics operation organization and an important node of logistics distribution. Reasonable layout and traffic organization design of logistics park plays an important role in improving the efficiency of social logistics service, strengthening social resources, optimizing urban distribution and relieving urban traffic pressure. Based on the analysis of the circle structure model of the social and economic development intensity of Changsha City and its surrounding cities, the paper divides the Loop structure of Gaoxing Logistics Park's cargo volume attraction area, and then combines with the data of iron and steel freight volume of each city in the circle over the years. Determine the volume of cargo from each layer to Changsha. In view of the "distance reduction" characteristic of freight volume, the iron and steel freight volume from each city to Changsha city is calculated, and the total volume of freight transport volume of Changsha city is predicted by combining the grey sequence prediction model. Finally, the socio-economic and functional plots are considered. Based on the analysis of the factors such as the construction situation of Hunan Gaoxing Logistics Park, the proportion of freight transport is shared, and the predicted value of the share of iron and steel freight in the park is obtained. Based on the prediction of freight volume, a systematic layout design method is used to plan the layout of the logistics park. This paper mainly includes three parts: the location of the operation unit of logistics park, the location of service area and the calculation of the occupation area of each functional area. First of all, through the analysis of the logistics relationship and non-logistics relationship between the operation units of the logistics park, the comprehensive relationship table among the operation units is obtained, and then according to the comprehensive relationship analysis of the logistics park, the mutual relationship table is obtained. The degree of close relationship between each unit in the park can be obtained, and the arrangement distance between each unit can be determined by the degree of close relation, and then the relative position map of each operation unit can be arranged. Finally, the required area of each area is calculated, and the final relative position map of the operation unit is formed. According to the basic principles of road traffic organization and the three main layout forms of road network in the park, the paper analyzes the traffic conditions inside and outside the park. The layout of the road and entrance location in the park is planned, and the design scheme of traffic organization streamline is put forward.


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