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發(fā)布時間:2018-07-26 12:09
[Abstract]:The process of urbanization has always been closely linked with the use of land resources. There are many new situations in land use, and new problems come into being with urbanization. Urbanization has become one of the key factors affecting the realization of land use goals. First of all, in the process of urbanization, the continuous expansion of urban land use scale and the rapid changes of land use structure, make the demand for land constantly increase; at the same time, because of the non-renewable land, coupled with the urbanization process of land use disorder, Widespread problems such as extensive use and low degree of intensive land use have aggravated the contradiction between people and land in China. On the other hand, as one of the most important natural resources for human society to survive, land is also an important restricting factor of urbanization. The realization of intensive land conservation and effective and reasonable utilization will certainly promote the development of urbanization. On the contrary, if the problems in the process of land use are not solved well, they will also become the bottleneck restricting the process of urbanization. In the process of urbanization, Shouguang City, as a county-level city, also faces unprecedented opportunities and challenges. Shouguang is a famous "vegetable town" in the country, which determines Shouguang's vegetable production and sales in the future development orientation. Logistics distribution is still its characteristic industry, which determines Shouguang's demand for agricultural land will not be reduced. Industrialization leads to urbanization. In order to better realize the goal of urbanization, industrialization is a necessary stage. In addition to the demand for land by the tertiary industry, the contradiction between supply and demand of land in Shouguang City is becoming increasingly obvious in the process of urbanization. This requires Shouguang City to face the reality and find a suitable way of urbanization and land conservation and intensive use. This paper studies the dialectical and unified relationship between urbanization and intensive utilization of land, taking Shouguang City as the research object, taking the present situation of urbanization, the performance of intensive utilization of land economy and the measures and policies implemented at the present stage as clues. This paper establishes a comprehensive index evaluation system, evaluates the level and influence factors of Shouguang land saving intensive utilization through the contribution and influence of various elements within the assessment system to the intensive utilization of land conservation in Shouguang City. This paper points out the problems existing in the intensive utilization of land economy in the process of urbanization in Shouguang City, and puts forward some suggestions and suggestions for the intensive utilization of land saving in Shouguang City in order to achieve the goal of harmonious land and common development of Shouguang people and land.


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