
當(dāng)前位置:主頁 > 管理論文 > 物流管理論文 >


發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-07-18 13:17
[Abstract]:With the rapid growth of electricity consumption in China, the new round of electricity demand has reached a higher level. With the rapid development of electric power industry, electric power enterprises are faced with major reform challenges, which require enterprises to have a strong response ability, and informatization is an important way to achieve rapid response. Under the tide of information construction, how to integrate and integrate management information system through design and planning to form a fast and efficient information system is an important support for electric power enterprises to realize rapid response. By the beginning of this century, the informatization construction of thermal power enterprises has entered the fast lane. Along with the gradual extension of information and network technology, thermal power enterprises promote information reform, finance and storage in production technology and technological links. Logistics and other aspects of management, but also the application of certain information technology, enterprise information gradually expanded from the field of production to the field of enterprise management. However, it is not difficult to find that thermal power enterprises should pay more attention to the integration and analysis of information in the process of further informatization. At present, some achievements have been made in the informatization construction of electric power enterprises in our country. At the same time, due to the lack of overall planning and design, a series of problems have been left over, which has become the bottleneck of the informatization construction of electric power enterprises. For the long-term development of enterprises have a greater adverse impact. It is an inevitable trend to promote the formulation and execution of the information strategy of electric power enterprises by taking informatization as the auxiliary means of enterprise management. Based on the research of information technology and strategic management theory, this paper analyzes the present situation and development course of enterprise informatization in HNLW power plant in detail by using literature research method, system analysis method and case analysis method. Comprehensive analysis ability, system expansibility, information sharing level and information development guarantee measures are analyzed in five aspects. Secondly, the internal and external environment of HNLW power plant informatization development is analyzed in detail. It is considered that the strategic demand for information development of HNLW power plant includes the requirements of enterprise portal, enterprise network security, digital integration security, etc. At the same time, the advantages and disadvantages of HNLW power plant informatization development strategy are studied by using SWOT analysis method. Then it analyzes the formulation and implementation of HNLW power plant informatization development strategy, studies the guiding ideology, principles and implementation path of enterprise informatization strategy, and finally analyzes the safeguard measures of HNLW power plant informatization development. In order to effectively promote the implementation of information strategy HNLW power plant needs to improve the organizational structure, increase the strength of personnel training, improve the information management system, and build a scientific staff training system. The innovation of this paper is to take HNLW power plant as an example, to carry out case analysis, to use internal and external environment analysis method and SWOT analysis method to study the information status of HNLW power plant. On this basis, the paper studies the formulation and implementation path of HNLW power plant information strategy, and puts forward the corresponding strategic guarantee measures from the aspects of organization, talent, system and so on.


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