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發(fā)布時間:2018-07-10 13:57

  本文選題:飼料加工業(yè) + SCP范式; 參考:《吉林農(nóng)業(yè)大學》2016年博士論文

[Abstract]:The feed processing industry is a comprehensive industrial sector, which is the core of the feed production enterprises, the upstream link planting industry, the downstream connection breeding industry and the market mechanism as the center of the industrial chain. At present, the Chinese feed processing industry has formed a feed processing industry, feed raw material industry, feed additive industry and feed machinery. The industry system, which has a relatively complete structure and complete function, has become an irreplaceable basic industry in the national economy. The development of the feed processing industry has not only led to the development of planting and breeding, but also promoted the progress of livestock and poultry products, logistics, storage and retail industry. In the development of the third industry, it is of great significance to adjust and optimize the structure of the agricultural industry. At present, the feed processing industry system in the Northeast has been basically formed. The feed processing industry has become an important industrial sector in the national economy. The feed processing industry has a certain advantage in the total output and the number of enterprises. The enterprise group occupies a place in the domestic market, but the concentration of the feed enterprises in the northeast is low, which is basically an atomistic market structure. A large number of small enterprises can not form a scale economy, and the competition is fierce. Moreover, the new feed enterprises with a large number of insufficient conditions have also entered the market. On the basis of industrial organization theory, this paper, based on industrial organization theory, combines empirical analysis with normative analysis, and combines qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis, starting with the industrial environment analysis of the feed processing industry in Northeast China, and from the perspective of SCP to the northeast area. The market structure, market behavior and market performance of the feed processing industry are qualitatively and quantitatively analyzed, and the relationship between the three is studied. The evaluation index and evaluation of the competitiveness of the feed processing industry in Northeast China are established and the internal and external factors affecting the development of the feed processing industry in Northeast China are studied, and the feed added to the northeast region is added to the northeast region. The development of industry provides the basis and policy recommendations, and also provides reference for the development of the feed processing industry in other areas. Through analysis, the following conclusions are drawn: first, the rapid economic development, the continuous growth of the population, and the future consumption of food, especially meat food, will continue to increase, which will inevitably lead to the consumption of food and livestock products. The demand for feed as intermediate products will continue to rise. The production structure of feed grain in the northeast is not consistent with the consumption demand structure, the supply of feed is relatively inadequate and the contradiction between supply and demand will continue. Second, from the perspective of the market structure of the feed processing industry in the Northeast, the small enterprises in feed and industry are added to the industry. The quantity is too large, the concentration is low, the market structure of the atomic type, this structure makes the feed enterprises in the northeast region show the state of "excessive dispersion" and "two grade differentiation" in the coexistence of a few large enterprises and many small and medium enterprises. The structural barriers of the feed processing industry, the cost barrier and the policy barrier are low. Third, Under the decentralized market structure of the feed processing industry in Northeast China, any feed enterprise is unable to control the price of the feed market, only the price recipient. But the local enterprises with a certain scale have the ability to take restrictive pricing and other ways to participate in the market competition and win the competition. This is also the feed processing. The non price strategy mainly includes marketing strategy, product differentiation strategy, technology innovation and merger and reorganization. In Northeast China, the low quality and low price excessive marketing leads to a certain degree of market disorder and influence the market performance. Fourth, from the perspective of market performance. According to the analysis, the related technologies of the feed processing industry in Northeast China have been developed to a certain extent. The index of technological progress has been in the middle reaches of the country and maintained the momentum of continuous rising. The index of comprehensive technical efficiency is low; fifth, in the background of homogenization and lack of technological innovation in the national feed processing industry, the comparison of the regional competitiveness of the national feed processing industry can be divided into three grades: the northeast area belongs to the third grade, the evaluation result of the comprehensive competitiveness is low. Sixth, from the factor of product structure, feed The competition among the processing enterprises is fierce, there is a threat of potential entry. The development of the upstream and downstream industries of the feed processing industry will directly affect the feed supply. From the policy factors of feed processing industry, the feed processing industry in the northeast is short of preferential and supporting policies, the testing and supervision system of the feed processing industry is not perfect, and the feed enterprises are to the existing government. Content cognition and policy utility cognition are not enough. From the factors of feed enterprises themselves and products themselves, the production and product structure of feed processing industry are not reasonable enough, the running cost of feed enterprises is high, the management system and concept of enterprise need to be promoted, food safety and public health events constitute a hindrance to the feed processing industry in Northeast China. The main factors of the rapid and healthy development are as follows: (1) the research perspective innovation. An Empirical Study on the structure behavior performance of the feed processing industry and its upstream and downstream industries in Northeast China under the framework of SCP has been tried to obtain the market structure of "excessive dispersion" and "two grade differentiation", and the disorderly market price competition. The behavior leads to the low competitiveness of the feed processing industry in Northeast China. (2) the research scope innovation. In this paper, the three provinces of Northeast China are regarded as a whole, and the market structure and market performance of the feed processing industry are studied by using econometric model from the middle angle. At present, the research on feed processing industry in the academic field is mainly concentrated on the feed students. In terms of production technology, feed production management and feed marketing, these studies are based on the micro level of the enterprise and study the feed processing industry from the industrial level. Generally, the research is limited to a certain province and city, and few scholars have studied the development of feed processing industry from the similar industrial characteristics. The influence factors of the development of the feed processing industry in Northeast China were analyzed in the aspects of product structure, enterprise operation and policy factors, which provided a basis for the development of the feed processing industry in Northeast China.


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