learning from failure knowledge governance low cost exploita
Knowledge Governance, Learning from Failure, Low Cost Exploitative Innovation and Low Cost Exploratory Innovation
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ZHU Xuechun, CHEN Wanming (College of Economics and Management, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing 211106, China)
Abstr:The promotion of knowledge governance to innovation gradually attracts attention by scholars, but the mechanism of knowledge governance to different categories of innovation needs to be further studied. At the same time, in the market environment with dynamic changes, learning from failure is an important way to achieve technological innovation and im-prove organizational performance. Based on relevant researches, the paper synthesizes exploitative innovation, exploratory in-novation and low cost competition strategy and proposes low cost exploitative innovation and low cost exploratory innova-tion. Then, the study formulates the effecting model of knowledge governance on low cost exploitative innovation and low cost exploratory innovation with learning from failure as a mediating variable. Finally, the paper makes an empirical re-search with the data of 213 enterprises in central and eastern China. The results show that knowledge governance has signifi-cant positive effect on low cost exploitative innovation and low cost exploratory innovation; learning from failure has posi-tive effect on low cost exploitative innovation and low cost exploratory innovation; learning from failure fully plays mediat-ing effect between knowledge governance and low cost exploratory innovation; learning from failure partly mediates relation-ship between knowledge governance and low cost exploitative innovation.
Keyword::learning from failure knowledge governance low cost exploitative innovation low cost exploratory innovation