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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-08-26 17:13
【摘要】:改革開發(fā)以來,我國(guó)的民辦教育經(jīng)過三十多年的發(fā)展,目前正處于規(guī)范發(fā)展期,1991年以來,由于高校的擴(kuò)招,促使民辦高校的辦學(xué)規(guī)模不斷擴(kuò)大,因此,基建項(xiàng)目的加大是刻不容緩的,由于資金來源的單一性及資金的短缺,如何在有限資金的情況下,保證工程質(zhì)量的同時(shí),如期完成必要的基建項(xiàng)目,有效的成本控制是必不可少。但從目前民辦高校的情況來看,在成本控制上缺乏規(guī)范性,所用的多是一些傳統(tǒng)的方法,很難使成本控制達(dá)到預(yù)期的效果。 項(xiàng)目成本管理是項(xiàng)目管理中最重要的環(huán)節(jié),其中成本控制是項(xiàng)目綜合管理的體現(xiàn),是運(yùn)用必要的技術(shù)與管理手段對(duì)項(xiàng)目進(jìn)行有計(jì)劃,組織和監(jiān)督的一個(gè)系統(tǒng)工程,成本控制理論的研究為企業(yè)能有效地控制項(xiàng)目成本提供了理論參考,并起到通過控制項(xiàng)目成本達(dá)到控制項(xiàng)目進(jìn)度和質(zhì)量的作用。 本文以民辦高;(xiàng)目的成本控制為研究對(duì)象,以具體的成本控制理論為基礎(chǔ),通過對(duì)基建工程項(xiàng)目設(shè)計(jì)和成本合理性控制的研究,將掙值分析法運(yùn)用到基建項(xiàng)目的成本控制中,同時(shí)對(duì)掙值分析法理論和主要參數(shù)等進(jìn)行了分析,最后以黃河科技學(xué)院的基建項(xiàng)目為例,論述了掙值分析法的具體運(yùn)用,為目前的現(xiàn)實(shí)問題提供了相關(guān)的指導(dǎo)。
[Abstract]:Since the reform and development, private education in our country has been developing for more than 30 years, and it is now in a period of standardized development. Since 1991, the expansion of enrollment in colleges and universities has prompted the expansion of the scale of running schools in private colleges and universities. The expansion of capital construction projects is urgent. Because of the singularity of the source of funds and the shortage of funds, how to ensure the quality of the projects while ensuring the quality of the projects while completing the necessary infrastructure projects on time, under the condition of limited funds, Effective cost control is essential. However, from the current situation of private colleges and universities, there is a lack of standardization in cost control, and most of the traditional methods are used, so it is difficult to achieve the expected effect of cost control. Project cost management is the most important link in project management, in which cost control is the embodiment of project comprehensive management, and it is a systematic engineering that uses necessary technology and management means to plan, organize and supervise the project. The study of cost control theory provides a theoretical reference for enterprises to control project cost effectively, and plays the role of controlling project cost to control project progress and quality. This paper takes the cost control of the capital construction projects in private colleges and universities as the research object, based on the specific cost control theory, through the research on the design of the capital construction projects and the reasonable control of the cost. The earned value analysis method is applied to the cost control of the capital construction project. At the same time, the theory and main parameters of the earned value analysis method are analyzed. Finally, taking the capital construction project of the Yellow River Institute of Science and Technology as an example, the paper discusses the concrete application of the earned value analysis method. It provides relevant guidance for current practical problems.


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