
當(dāng)前位置:主頁 > 管理論文 > 成本管理論文 >


發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-08-25 19:30
[Abstract]:With the slowdown of economic growth, the growth rate of GDP in China shows a tendency to slow down, from the high speed growth in previous years to the medium and high speed growth in recent years, which has gradually entered the new normal period of development. As a pillar industry, the manufacturing industry of our country also faces enormous pressure and influence, the development speed of the manufacturing industry also begins to slow down, beginning to enter the new normal period. With the integration of the two systems and the promulgation of "made in China 2025", the manufacturing industry has attracted the attention of all walks of life. The high fixed cost of manufacturing industry leads to higher operating lever, which leads to higher operating risk, which can reflect the utilization rate of fixed assets. It can perfect the enterprise cost management, control the relation between input and output reasonably, and obtain the lever benefit in the process of production and management. However, most of the scholars' research on listed companies in China is mainly focused on the capital structure, and the research on the management leverage is relatively scarce, so the research on the enterprise management leverage to adjust and control the cost structure of the enterprise, improve the enterprise management strategy. It is of great significance to improve the operating efficiency of enterprises. Based on this, this paper firstly makes a comprehensive analysis of the research situation of business leverage, introduces the connotation of business leverage and expounds the influencing factors of business leverage. Secondly, the data sample of A share manufacturing listed companies in Cathay Security database from 2010 to 2015 is selected as the research object. The fixed cost and variable cost data are obtained by the cost structure decomposition model, and the operating leverage coefficient of manufacturing listed companies is calculated. Then select the profitability index to analyze the overall level and distribution of the business leverage coefficient. Finally, the optimal interval of the operating lever coefficient is determined by the corresponding relationship between the whole financial situation of the enterprise and the interval of the operating lever coefficient. The results of this study show that the average operating lever of manufacturing listed companies from 2010 to 2015 is 3.998, in which the number of manufacturing enterprises in the range of [12.5] is the largest. Accounting for 64.42% of the total number of enterprises, the optimal range of business leverage is [12.5], in which the financial situation of enterprises reaches the highest level. The listed companies in manufacturing industry should pay attention to the management of assets structure, maintain reasonable cost structure, strengthen the control of operating lever, keep the management lever in a reasonable range, and formulate reasonable management strategy at the same time. Make the management lever exert the positive lever effect, guarantee the enterprise can develop healthily and stably.


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