
當(dāng)前位置:主頁(yè) > 管理論文 > 成本管理論文 >


發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-08-23 12:58
[Abstract]:Enterprise competition has gradually transformed from disorderly competition to orderly competition, the pattern of competition has been renovated, business models have emerged in endlessly, business philosophy, corporate culture has been constantly innovative, but the most fundamental is still inseparable from advanced cost management, which determines the wealth of enterprises to be rapid, maximized, legitimate value-added. Cost management is not only financial management. As a matter of fact, it belongs to the category of enterprise management, and needs to consider the current enterprise cost management from a new angle, omni-directional perspective and systematic method. Based on the above background, this paper makes a systematic and comprehensive analysis on the cost management of the value chain of aviation enterprises. Firstly, this paper recognizes the traditional cost management and the modern cost management of aviation enterprises. This paper makes a detailed analysis of the theory, mode, definition, content and basic links of cost management and enterprise value in theory, studies the related contents of enterprise value chain cost management, and compares it with the traditional cost management theory. This paper analyzes the historical development, industry characteristics, operating status, organizational structure and other characteristics of air enterprises, discusses the current cost management situation of air enterprises, studies the cost composition structure of China's air enterprises, explores the differences in modern cost management, and studies the problems existing in the cost management of air enterprises. In order to improve and optimize the cost management of aviation enterprises, this paper takes the production cost management of aviation enterprises A as an example. Through the identification of value chain cost and the analysis of value chain cost elements, it advances from four aspects: process optimization, production relationship, technological innovation and management promotion. Through case study of value chain cost management, this paper puts forward and applies cost management based on value chain, expands the space category and time concept of cost management, innovates methods and means, and makes value chain analysis become a new method for aviation enterprises to reduce costs and improve enterprise value maximization. After the reality foundation, this article from a comprehensive angle, carries on the thorough analysis to the aviation enterprise value chain question, thus realizes the cost management optimization system construction mentality, thus causes the value chain cost management to become comprehensive, the entire process, upstream and downstream all attention cost management, from the cost control involves the technology, the production, the supply, the sale, the customer. In order to evaluate quantitatively the value chain cost management of China's aviation enterprises, this paper uses data inclusion analysis (DEA) method to analyze the sample data of 13 multinational aviation enterprises, and uses regression technology to judge their performance. Finally, aiming at the problems existing in the cost management of aviation enterprises, the paper puts forward the solutions, especially from participating in the improvement of the cost management system of aviation enterprises, laying the foundation, promoting the participation of all the staff, and pushing forward the technology as the link. The paper puts forward suggestions and improvement methods in seven aspects, including the refinement of cost management, the analysis of value chain, the effective reduction of cost, the strengthening of reward and punishment mechanism, the perfection of financial cost accounting, and the expansion of cost management scope. From the perspective of aviation enterprises, it puts forward the idea that cost is designed for the first time, combines technology with economy, and highlights technology. In order to deepen the cost management of aviation enterprises, this paper puts forward some cost management schemes abroad for reference, promotes the development of cost management, establishes efficient cost management organization and perfects cost analysis.


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