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發(fā)布時間:2018-08-22 07:23
[Abstract]:Considering the evolution of N consumers' crowdfunding strategy, each consumer can choose to participate in the crowdfunding strategy or not to participate in the crowdfunding strategy. Based on the rooted probability of Moran process, the probability of successful invasion by participating in crowdfunding strategy and not participating in crowdfunding strategy is calculated. Comparing the probability of individual rooting with the probability of neutral invasion, the conditions of dominance of the two strategies under strong selectivity and weak selectivity are obtained, respectively. It is found that when the number of consumers is less than a certain number under the condition of strong selectivity, they do not participate in the evolution of crowdfunding strategy and occupy the whole population stably, and the crowdfunding fails. Under the condition of weak selectivity, consumers decide whether to participate in crowdfunding according to the two factors of net income and expenditure cost. The net income is three times greater than the expenditure cost, and the evolution is stable to the success of crowdfunding, and the net income is 3/2 times less than the expenditure cost. Evolution has stabilized at the failure of crowdfunding.
【作者單位】: 武漢大學經(jīng)濟與管理學院;武漢理工大學管理學院;武漢大學水利水電學院;


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