
當(dāng)前位置:主頁 > 管理論文 > 成本管理論文 >


發(fā)布時間:2018-08-20 08:42
[Abstract]:Food security, as the first important task of the Party and the country at present, is the foundation of promoting the stable development of the economy and society and an important means of improving people's livelihood. Since ancient times, the subject of grain storage has been called "world granary", which is responsible for ensuring the integrity of the quantity and quality of national and local grain reserves. Local grain reserve system is relatively complete. Grain reserve stores at all levels guarantee the safety of residents'grain use by rotation through the storage of grain reserves. Informatization is a major direction of the development of countries all over the world at this stage. All countries are committed to tackling the difficulties of the information industry and using information technology to promote economic and social development and progress. In developed countries, the development of informationization started late, but both the Party and the state attach great importance to the development of the information industry and give great support to the policy. Since the 18th National Congress, China has established informationization construction as one of the main objectives for the realization of the new four modernizations. Systematic construction has become an important measure to speed up the development of grain industry, promote the reform of grain marketization and protect grain security.In the Thirteenth Five-Year Plan, the state emphasizes the importance of developing information industry, and speeding up the informatization construction of grain industry is an important way to respond to the current supply-side reform and realize "storing grain on the ground, storing grain on technology". The grain depot is the largest local grain reserve in the city where it is located. It is responsible for the storage and storage of tens of thousands of tons of local grain reserve, and at the same time operates the purchase and sale of commodity grain. It plays a very important role in protecting local grain security and maintaining the stable operation of grain market. Based on the practical situation, the significance of implementing grain depot information management and the current business characteristics of S grain depot, and the present situation of information management, this paper analyzes the existing problems and their causes in the work of grain depot information management through a series of engineering management methods such as expert interview, brainstorming and system analysis. This paper reviews the current construction conditions of S grain depot information management system, analyzes on the necessity of system construction, preliminarily plans a complete and advanced construction scheme of S grain depot information management system, and demonstrates it from the aspects of scheme control, cost management, selection of cooperative units, capital supply, schedule control, quality supervision and staffing, etc. Through the construction of information management system, the management level of S grain depot can be effectively improved, the energy consumption of grain storage can be reduced, the operation cost can be saved, the efficiency of grain storage can be improved, the transformation and upgrade of grain depot management can be realized, and it is helpful for building S grain depot into a modern standard grain depot.


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