
當(dāng)前位置:主頁 > 管理論文 > 成本管理論文 >


發(fā)布時間:2018-08-13 18:57
[Abstract]:Since mankind entered the ecological civilization, the three industrial revolutions have led to the continuous growth of the economy, and the excessive growth of the economy has troubled the global ecological environment, such as over-exploitation of natural resources, extinction of rare species, lack of fresh water resources, Global Greenhouse Effect and other issues, among which, global Greenhouse Effect has become a priority to solve important issues. The promulgation of the relevant environmental protection standards of the government has prompted enterprises to spend more and more on environmental accounting, and environmental restoration projects are becoming more and more large. This requires governments of all countries to have a unanimous view on environmental protection. In order to better promote the healthy development of the global ecological environment. In order to realize the harmonious symbiosis between man and nature, we should always adhere to the concept of sustainable development and transform the extensive economy to the low-carbon economy. Low-carbon economy is a green development mode and an economic model to realize the sustainable development of ecological environment. Under the background of pharmaceutical enterprises, this paper unifies the low-carbon economy and environmental cost management of enterprises, and provides a new idea for the research of environmental cost management, such as prediction, accounting, control and so on. In this paper, the research results of low-carbon economy and environmental cost management are summarized, and then the definitions of low-carbon economy and environmental cost management are given according to the viewpoints of the scholars. Then, based on the theory of low carbon economy and environmental cost management, the enterprise environmental cost management framework system is constructed from the perspective of low carbon economy. Enterprise environmental cost management framework system includes environmental cost management objectives, principles, methods, content and so on. The objective of enterprise environmental cost management is to maximize the environmental benefit with less investment when the enterprise invests various environmental costs. The principles of environmental cost management include the guiding principle of competition strategy, the principle of goal, the principle of coordination. The methods of environmental cost management include ex post treatment method, prior planning method, control method; the content of environmental cost management is also the direction of this paper, which mainly includes forecasting, accounting and control of environmental cost management. Disclosure, evaluation, etc. Finally, based on the established system to analyze L pharmaceutical enterprises, selected part of environmental cost management business accounting for L pharmaceutical enterprises and combined with the improved balance sheet, income statement, cash flow statement to disclose the environmental income and expenditure. The problems existing in environmental cost management of L pharmaceutical enterprises are analyzed and the relevant countermeasures are put forward. This article is in the low carbon economy angle of view, and with our country enterprise environment cost management present situation unifies, uses the economics, the management science, the sociology, the accounting and so on discipline correlation theory and the research method, This paper probes into the prediction, accounting, control, disclosure and evaluation of environmental cost management in Chinese pharmaceutical enterprises. Enterprise environmental cost management occupies the front row in some theories at home and abroad, but it is still inexperienced in practical operation. Especially, it is seldom discussed to study the management of enterprise environmental cost from the perspective of low carbon economy. Therefore, the research of this paper will have certain value to the low-carbon development of Chinese enterprises.


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