

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-05-06 07:02

  本文選題:民間非營(yíng)利組織 + 民間非營(yíng)利組織會(huì)計(jì); 參考:《華北電力大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:With the increasing demand for public services, the scale of the non-governmental non-profit organizations in China is increasing, active in various fields of social life, and actively promote the construction of a harmonious socialist society in our country. Of course, the rapid development of non-profit non-governmental organizations also brings a huge fund movement, need to strengthen accounting and supervision. However, the construction of accounting for non-governmental non-profit organizations in China has been stagnant since the publication of the Accounting system of Private Non-profit organizations in 2004, and the disclosure of accounting information is seriously inadequate. A series of charitable corruption and fraud scandals have weakened the credibility of private profit organizations. The lack of accounting information disclosure has become an obstacle to the healthy and sustainable development of non-profit organizations. It is necessary to study the accounting information disclosure of non-profit organizations. Based on public goods theory, stakeholder theory, fiduciary responsibility theory, decision useful theory, information asymmetry theory and signal transmission theory, this paper makes a comprehensive and systematic exploration on accounting information disclosure of non-profits organizations in China. First of all, it combs the relevant research at home and abroad, defines and analyzes the characteristics of non-governmental non-profit organizations, discusses the particularity of their accounting information and disclosure, and then analyzes the information users of non-governmental non-profit organizations and their needs of accounting information. This paper summarizes the current situation of compulsory disclosure and voluntary disclosure of accounting information of non-governmental non-profit organizations, and constructs an evaluation index system to evaluate the satisfaction of accounting information disclosure of non-governmental non-profit organizations to the demand. It is clear that accounting information disclosure of non-governmental non-profit organizations in our country has not yet met the demand, and still needs further development. Then, it analyzes that accounting orientation is still unclear and the expression is not clear in the development path of accounting information disclosure of non-governmental non-profit organizations in China. Lack of government supervision, lack of effective accounting information disclosure channels and other obstacles need further breakthrough. Finally, draw lessons from the beneficial experience of foreign countries, combined with the reality, put forward the emphases, measures system, long-term development countermeasures: on the basis of defining the accounting objectives of the organic combination of fiduciary responsibility and decision-making, In order to perfect the accounting information disclosure content, design the operating performance statement and construct the general accounting information disclosure system to standardize the accounting information disclosure means, the donative labor service and the commitment are included in the accounting and disclosure scope. Advocates that the Ministry of Civil Affairs should lead the construction of a unified platform of information integration, updating, publishing, inquiry, service and feedback for the purpose of improving the channels for accounting information disclosure. Encouraging the development of independent non-profit third-party supervision organizations to promote social supervision has both theoretical guiding significance and good practical operation.


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