
當(dāng)前位置:主頁 > 管理論文 > 財務(wù)管理論文 >


發(fā)布時間:2018-05-03 10:26

  本文選題:制藥企業(yè) + 財務(wù)戰(zhàn)略 ; 參考:《沈陽工業(yè)大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:With the rapid economic development and social progress, the rapid development of enterprises behind the development of higher requirements, enterprise financial strategy more and more attention. The financial strategy runs through the enterprise finance activity, is the spirit soul of the enterprise finance activity. The development environment of modern enterprises is complex and changeable, and financial strategy is the basis and condition for the operation of financial activities. The formulation and implementation of financial strategies can better raise funds, invest funds and optimize the use of funds for enterprises. Under the situation that the Chinese society has stepped into the aging society and the national policy has vigorously supported the biopharmaceutical enterprises, this paper selects SS pharmaceutical enterprises (hereinafter referred to as SS company) as the research object, and takes the basic theory of financial strategy as the research basis. At the same time draw lessons from the more mature foreign theoretical system, combined with the internal and external environment of SS company, from the objectives of the financial strategy, the optimization and implementation of financial strategy and so on. First of all, this article elaborated the domestic and foreign financial strategy theory research present situation. Secondly, the related theory of financial strategy is expounded. Then, PEST method is used to analyze the macro environment from the political, economic, social and technological environment. In the analysis of internal environment, the comprehensive analysis method of radar map is used, and the financial problems in SS company are clearly analyzed. On the basis of internal and external analysis, this paper summarizes the current situation of financial strategy and existing problems through the analysis of SWOT to the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the company. Finally, combined with the concept of cash surplus and value management of SS enterprises, and by constructing the financial matrix, the paper clarifies the development stage of SS enterprises, and optimizes the financial strategy of investment, financing, capital operation and income distribution. In addition, in order to ensure the implementation of financial strategy optimization, this paper also put forward specific safeguard measures for the implementation of financial strategy. This paper combines the financial strategy matrix of the strategic analysis tool with the financial strategy, combines the theory with the practice, and makes a deep research and discussion on the optimization of the financial strategy of the pharmaceutical enterprise. For other pharmaceutical enterprises to formulate and optimize the financial strategy, has certain reference significance.


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4 李a\R,




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