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發(fā)布時間:2018-04-25 06:23

  本文選題:財務報告 + 柬埔寨 ; 參考:《中國礦業(yè)大學》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:There are frequent political, economic and cultural exchanges between China and Cambodia. China and Cambodia have deep-rooted friendship. The development of economy, accounting is more important, accounting is an important medium of economic exchanges. International cooperation is bound to bring global accounting convergence. However, due to historical reasons and different levels of economic development, there are great differences in accounting standards between China and Cambodia. But what are the similarities and differences between Chinese and Cambodian financial reports, which are the standard for summarizing the annual performance of Chinese and Cambodian enterprises? This is what we should pay attention to. However, the existing literature rarely compares and analyzes the financial reports between China and Cambodia. Sometimes only a few comments from abroad can be found online. This situation makes our country know little about the Cambodian financial reporting system, which is not conducive to the business contacts between the two countries, and also causes the bottleneck of the research on the Cambodian accounting standards and financial reports. Based on the above background, this paper will study the similarities and differences between Chinese and Cambodian financial reports. Firstly, the paper studies the literature of financial report. Secondly, the concept, definition, system and content of financial report are studied theoretically. The differences and similarities between China and Cambodia are compared in detail. It is found that China's financial reports are not submitted in a timely manner and the contents are not comprehensive. Cambodia's financial reports are not comprehensive, accounting laws and regulations are not perfect, accounting standards are not detailed, and accounting objectives are not clear. Financial reporting standards are not uniform and so on. The reasons for the differences between China and Cambodia are analyzed from two aspects: accounting environment and accounting objectives. Finally, according to the analysis of the reasons of the difference, the limitations of Cambodian financial report and suggestions for improvement are put forward.


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4 徐春光;利益相關(guān)者共同治理下的財務報告模式[D];中國海洋大學;2004年





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