

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-04-24 14:37

  本文選題:應(yīng)收賬款 + 形成原因; 參考:《時(shí)代金融》2016年26期

[Abstract]:In today's market, it can be seen that the competition between enterprises is becoming more and more fierce, so in order to survive in the fierce market competition, the use of sale on credit to ensure the evolution of the business has become a means of enterprise competition, resulting in the accounts receivable. But the accounts receivable is not as possible as other assets. It will be added through other ways. If the management is unsuitable, the money recovery will have problems, then it will not be recovered, and it will have a great influence on the follow-up management of the enterprise. Therefore, the management of the accounts receivable is particularly important, and how to prevent the bad debts from producing, it is necessary for us to have an objective and impartial understanding of the accounts receivable. And evaluation, strengthen awareness of risk prevention, and provide a preventive measure for the management of accounts receivable.

【作者單位】: 寧波大紅鷹學(xué)院;


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