

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-04-24 06:45

  本文選題:船舶制造 + 輔助生產(chǎn); 參考:《江蘇科技大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:The auxiliary production cost is the important content of the product cost composition of the manufacturing enterprise, and the proportion in the total product cost is increasing day by day. Accurate and timely accounting of auxiliary production costs can provide managers with timely and reliable cost information, thus improving the economic efficiency of enterprises and promoting the development of enterprises management. The shipbuilding enterprise is a typical large, single-piece and small batch industrial enterprise, which needs a large number of detailed division of labor and cooperation among different departments to complete the product manufacturing together, and there are many auxiliary production departments and many kinds of auxiliary services. The large amount of money, the different metering methods, the complexity of beneficiary departments and beneficiaries, and the frequent interaction between auxiliary production departments determine the complexity of auxiliary production cost accounting and management in shipbuilding enterprises. However, in practice, shipbuilding enterprises generally only use a single auxiliary production distribution method to deal with all types of auxiliary production services, which to some extent affects the correctness of the cost accounting of ship products. In view of this, this paper firstly expounds the current situation and existing problems of cost accounting in shipbuilding enterprises, and then introduces the characteristics of auxiliary production services in shipbuilding enterprises. Combined with its characteristics, this paper analyzes the problems and influences of the current auxiliary production cost allocation method in shipbuilding enterprises, and highlights the inaccuracy of adopting a single distribution method. Then, according to the characteristics of shipbuilding enterprises' production products and the characteristics of labor services provided by auxiliary production departments, this paper puts forward the viewpoint of classifying and distributing labor services, and formulates the corresponding auxiliary production distribution methods and auxiliary labor unit prices according to the classification. Finally, we use shipyard data to verify the results of accounting, and compare the results of different allocation methods to analyze the cost difference, which highlights the applicability and superiority of this method. The content of this paper is helpful to improve the accuracy of auxiliary production cost allocation in shipbuilding enterprises, to find ways to reduce the cost cost and to carry out the cost management work. The results of this paper provide reference for shipbuilding enterprises to assist production accounting and cost control.


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