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發(fā)布時間:2018-04-23 20:36

  本文選題:平高電氣 + 年報; 參考:《西南交通大學(xué)》2016年碩士論文

[Abstract]:Annual report is the most important way for stakeholders to know the listed company. Through the interpretation and analysis of the annual report of the listed company, we can fully and accurately understand the past, evaluate the present and predict the future. Taking Pinggao Electric Company (A share Code 600312) of State Grid Company as the research object, this paper interprets the annual report of Pinggao Electric Company from 2010-2014, analyzes the management level of Pinggao Electric Company, and gives the conclusion of the research. Make suggestions to improve the management of the company. First of all, the paper reviews the emergence and development of financial analysis, introduces the main methods of financial analysis, and briefly introduces the general situation, development history and main products of Pinggao Electric Co., Ltd., aiming at the balance sheet of Pinggao Electric Annual report 2010-2014. The income statement, the statement of cash flow and the statement of changes in owners' equity are analyzed and summarized in detail; then, from the perspective of solvency, profitability, operating capacity, and development capacity, This paper analyzes the financial situation of Pinggao Electric from 2010 to 2014 from five dimensions, and selects three A-share listed electric equipment manufacturing enterprises to carry out horizontal comparison with the same industry to understand the position of Pinggao Electric in the industry. Thus, the advantages and disadvantages between the company and its peers are found, and it is convenient to find the right direction and improve. In this paper, DuPont analysis method is used to analyze the factors of the change of the return on net assets of Pinggao Electric from 2010-2014 to find out the secret of the growth of the enterprise, and the advantages and disadvantages of Pinggao Electric are analyzed by using the SWOT analysis method. Opportunities and threats: this paper introduces the future development trend of electrical equipment industry, and puts forward some suggestions on the development of Pinggao Electric combined with this trend. Finally, after synthesizing the previous research, the conclusion is drawn, and on this basis, the views and suggestions on the corporate governance of Pinggao Electric are given. In addition, a comprehensive analysis method based on financial index ranking is introduced, and the application of this method is illustrated with Pinggao Electric as an example. Compared with the standard financial ratio and the comprehensive coefficient analysis, the method avoids the standard value, selects and uses the average value, reduces the statistical error of the standard value, the average value produces the process, Hope to give you in the future financial comprehensive analysis to bring some help.


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