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發(fā)布時間:2018-05-31 00:18

  本文選題:油田勘探開發(fā) + 投資項目; 參考:《天津工業(yè)大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:As the "blood" of modern industry, petroleum resource plays an important role in the world economy and has important resource value and strategic significance. However, in recent decades, the growth rate of oil supply capacity is much slower than that of people's demand ability, resulting in the rising oil and gas prices and the increasingly prominent contradiction between oil supply and demand. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the exploration and development of oil and gas. The research of investment risk is mainly about the identification of investment risk and the research of coping strategy. It is to observe and discover all kinds of potential risks in the process of investment before the implementation of the task, and to carry on the strategy research on each possible risk. This paper studies the investment risk of oil field exploration and development in the pre-investment period. The risk of oil field exploration and development is systematically identified and combed, and the coping strategies are studied from the perspective of response, in order to maintain the smooth progress of the project in the implementation stage of the project, and to effectively control the potential risks. Protect the interests of investors. Firstly, the paper expounds the realistic background of oil field exploration and development, evaluates and summarizes the research status of related research at home and abroad, and discusses the relevant theories that need to be applied in this paper. Secondly, through the statistical method of literature analysis and questionnaire, the paper identifies and induces the possible risks in the early stage of project investment, analyzes the causes of the risks, and establishes the risk index system of oil field exploration and development investment. Thirdly, on the basis of the identified risk factor group, the risk factors that need to be paid attention to are determined. In the process of determination, the quasi Newton method proposed in this paper is used to solve the maximum eigenvalue of higher order matrix. It includes Broyden algorithm and Broyden algorithm. Finally, the possible risk factors are studied and the conclusions are given.


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