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發(fā)布時間:2018-05-31 00:20

  本文選題:家用汽車 + 應(yīng)急服務(wù); 參考:《沈陽工業(yè)大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:In recent years, the center of economic profit of manufacturing industry in the world is shifting to its rear, that is, the service module of the manufacturing industry, and the automobile industry as a manufacturing giant is also facing this kind of change. At the same time, with the development of the society and economy, the household cars have become popular among thousands of families, and become the important means of transportation for people to travel. However, as a mechanical product, it is unavoidable that an emergency situation such as anchoring or traffic accident can not run normally. How home cars can be better integrated with their emergency services to meet the more personalized needs of the owners. This paper studies the integration of domestic automobile products and their emergency services. The home car owners' demand for emergency services, through a large number of literature reading and practical investigation, analysis of the integration of domestic automobile products and emergency services, summarize the existing problems and analyze the causes, and according to this, the needs of the home car owners to the emergency service needs to be divided into five types. For these five types, this paper The demand of car owners is classified by quantified KANO model, and the importance of the car owners' demand for emergency service is analyzed and their proportion is determined. The quantitative KANO model is used to make the qualitative and quantitative analysis of the owner's demand, so that the results are more objective and in the later Bayesian network model. In this paper, the uncertainty of the analysis is reduced. After that, the results of the quantized KANO model are combined with the Bayesian network, and the decision model of the integration of domestic automobile products and emergency services is established. First, the purpose and principles of integration are analyzed. Secondly, the integration mode is analyzed from the macro perspective and divided into three decisions. Finally, the integration mode of a company's household car product and emergency service is taken as an example, and the integration mode is analyzed by using Bayesian network model. The integration mode is used as a decision scheme. The owners' demand from the quantized KANO model is taken as the final decision change, and the establishment and division of the Bayesian network decision model is made. Finally, the final decision of integration is obtained. Finally, some suggestions are given for the integration of domestic automobile products and emergency services based on the previous analysis. The model provided in this paper can also be used in the development and research of the integration of domestic automobile products and emergency services in other enterprises. This method of combination of qualitative and qualitative analysis is practical. Significance.


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