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  本文關(guān)鍵詞:船員工傷保險(xiǎn)賠償法律問題研究 出處:《大連海事大學(xué)》2012年碩士論文 論文類型:學(xué)位論文

  更多相關(guān)文章: 船員工傷賠償 立法問題 司法問題 解決對策

【摘要】:船員從事著公認(rèn)的高風(fēng)險(xiǎn)性和艱苦性職業(yè),工傷保險(xiǎn)賠償作為社會(huì)保障體系的組成部分,具有強(qiáng)制性、普遍性的特征,本應(yīng)充分體現(xiàn)保障船員基本權(quán)益,分散用人單位風(fēng)險(xiǎn)的作用,但目前船員工傷保險(xiǎn)主要是參照對陸上勞動(dòng)者的保障制度加以規(guī)范,這樣忽略船員工作特殊性的保障內(nèi)容根本無法充分保護(hù)船員權(quán)益,近年來各類船員在我國海域內(nèi)層出不窮的傷亡事件無法得到有效賠償更是凸顯了現(xiàn)行工傷保險(xiǎn)制度的弊端。 鑒于新《工傷保險(xiǎn)條例》的施行,本文以船員工傷保險(xiǎn)賠償涉及的法律問題為研究對象,結(jié)合船員工作性質(zhì)的特點(diǎn),以提高船員的維權(quán)意識和對工傷保險(xiǎn)的認(rèn)識為目的,采取實(shí)證分析和比較的方法,從立法角度入手,通過結(jié)合國內(nèi)外現(xiàn)有工傷保險(xiǎn)賠償?shù)姆煞ㄒ?guī),比較思考分析出我國現(xiàn)行制度中存在的問題。再從司法角度對實(shí)施船員工傷保險(xiǎn)賠償過程中涉及的一些相關(guān)法律問題進(jìn)行詳細(xì)探討,指出存在的缺陷與不足。最后綜合全文整體討論,針對前兩部分的問題提出解決對策,力求使工傷保險(xiǎn)賠償成為能夠最有力保障船員利益的國內(nèi)賠償法律。 本文共分4章。其中,第1章主要介紹船員的類型及船員工傷保險(xiǎn)的理論概念;第2章主要介紹國內(nèi)外有關(guān)船員工傷保險(xiǎn)的立法現(xiàn)狀,重點(diǎn)說明新修訂的《工傷保險(xiǎn)條例》對船員工傷保險(xiǎn)賠償產(chǎn)生的影響,指出外派船員工傷保險(xiǎn)待遇及救濟(jì)主體存在爭議等問題;第3章主要介紹在司法過程中常見的法律問題,包括船員工作合同選擇及適用法律問題、雇主責(zé)任問題以及工傷保險(xiǎn)賠償制度與其他賠償機(jī)制之間的關(guān)系等問題;第4章具體針對前兩章關(guān)于船員工傷保險(xiǎn)在立法和司法過程中出現(xiàn)的問題提出一些立法建議及解決對策,并且期望本文的探討或建議能有助于船員工傷賠償制度的完善與發(fā)展。
[Abstract]:The crew is engaged in the recognized high risk and hardship occupation. As a part of the social security system, the compensation for industrial injury insurance has the characteristics of compulsory and universal, which should fully reflect the protection of the basic rights and interests of the crew. Dispersing the role of employer risk, but the current crew injury insurance is mainly to refer to the land workers to regulate the security system. Therefore, ignoring the particularity of crew work can not fully protect the rights and interests of crew members. In recent years, various kinds of crew members in the sea area of our country are not able to get effective compensation for casualties, which highlights the malpractice of the current industrial injury insurance system. In view of the implementation of the new regulations on Industrial injury Insurance, this paper takes the legal issues involved in the compensation of crew injury insurance as the object of study, combining the characteristics of the nature of crew work. In order to improve the awareness of crew rights and awareness of industrial injury insurance for the purpose of empirical analysis and comparison from the legislative point of view through the combination of existing domestic and foreign industrial injury insurance compensation laws and regulations. Compare and analyze the existing problems in the current system of our country. Then from the judicial point of view of the implementation of crew injury insurance compensation process involved in some of the relevant legal issues are discussed in detail. Finally, the author synthesizes the whole discussion of the whole text, and puts forward some countermeasures to solve the problems in the first two parts, in order to make the compensation of industrial injury insurance become the domestic compensation law which can protect the benefit of the crew most effectively. The first chapter mainly introduces the types of crew and the theoretical concept of crew injury insurance. The second chapter mainly introduces the domestic and foreign legislation status of crew injury insurance, focusing on the newly revised regulations of injury insurance on crew injury insurance compensation. It is pointed out that there are some problems such as the treatment of work-related injury insurance and the main body of relief for the expatriate crew. The third chapter mainly introduces the common legal problems in the judicial process, including the selection of crew work contract and the applicable law. The problem of employer liability and the relationship between the compensation system of industrial injury insurance and other compensation mechanisms; Chapter 4 puts forward some legislative suggestions and solutions to the problems in the legislative and judicial process of the first two chapters. It is expected that the discussion or suggestions in this paper will be helpful to the perfection and development of the compensation system for crew injuries.


相關(guān)期刊論文 前3條

1 王秀芬,朱玉柱;論船員勞動(dòng)的特點(diǎn)[J];大連海事大學(xué)學(xué)報(bào)(社會(huì)科學(xué)版);2005年02期

2 張照東;;工傷案件賠償請求權(quán)競合問題研究[J];河北法學(xué);2007年03期

3 宋濤;石振剛;;論受害人近親屬的精神損害賠償[J];泰山學(xué)院學(xué)報(bào);2006年02期

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1 劉紅;關(guān)于我國外派船員權(quán)利保護(hù)問題的研究[D];大連海事大學(xué);2008年

2 馬麗;關(guān)于船員勞務(wù)合同有關(guān)法律問題的研究[D];大連海事大學(xué);2003年





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