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發(fā)布時間:2016-08-04 13:19




國際法是近代西方資本主義發(fā)展的產(chǎn)物,它是主權國家之間以及其他具有國際人格的實體之間法律規(guī)則、準則、原則的總體。1648年《威斯特伐利亞和約》,使歐洲國家之間始于十五世紀初期、源于意大利的常設使館的習慣得以確立。1815年維也納公會編纂了外交使節(jié)等級和位次的法典,使派遣駐外使節(jié)成為主權國家外交普遍實例。在數(shù)次和平地要求打開中國大門、中西方建立近代外交互派使節(jié)制度被拒絕后,西方列強憑借國際法用強力楔入了中國。而直到1861年,由于清王朝頑固地堅持傳統(tǒng)天下意識,中國對國際法外交原則的基本態(tài)度還是排斥的。歷經(jīng)兩次鴉片戰(zhàn)爭的慘痛,清朝開明官員逐步認識到傳統(tǒng)外交方式滯后的嚴重性,開始由被動的本能反應走向積極的自強運動。他們以一種明智的態(tài)度體察世界性的現(xiàn)代化潮流、尋求務實的外交政策和大規(guī)模引進西學,國際法的輸入因之成為其中重要的內(nèi)容。在接受國際法關于國家主權平等與近代外交原則等理論后,清廷最終向西方派遣常駐使節(jié)。在近代中外關系史上,晚清駐外使節(jié)制度的建立意 義重大,它標志著中國外交的近代化步伐又邁出了實質(zhì)性的一步。然而,早期駐外使節(jié)制度在公使及隨員的遴選、官職、任期及編制等各方面極不完善。首次出使并常駐外國,對于只具備極少國際法知識的駐外使臣來說是如履薄冰之行,他們在無成例可仿的情況下,依照國際法外交使領原則,將使館制度逐步健全起來。盡管駐外使節(jié)對國際法的認識存在很大的局限,但他們依然運用國際法知識最大限度地維護了國家利權,使近代中國的外交稍有作為。駐外使節(jié)大多數(shù)是傳統(tǒng)知識分子,作為較早走向世界的一個群體,在與西方社會的接觸中,他們緊跟時代步伐,對國際法的理解由單一上升至全面,由感性上升至理性,呈現(xiàn)出較高的整體知識水平,為晚清中國向近代轉型增添了新的重要因素。本文詳細淺析淺析了晚清駐外使節(jié)制度依照國際法外交原則建立、發(fā)展和完善的過程,通過剖析國人對國際法外交準則理解的心路歷程,力圖從中探求晚清早期現(xiàn)代化和近代中國外交走向世界的規(guī)律。

【Abstract】 International law is the production of modern western capitalism development, it is the entity of statutory rules, criterion and principle which having international personality as well as other between sovereign states. In 1648, The Peace Treaty of Westphalia made the permanent embassy’s to be accustomed to managing to establish, in Europe it started from early the fifteen century, originated from Italy. Vienna Convention compiled the code that can have compiled the diplomatic envoy grade and seating arrangement in 1815, the messenger is dispatched being sent to work abroad the envoy becomes the common sovereign state diplomacy example. Diplomacy sends an envoy in exchange in requiring that the west builds modern times in opening the Chinese entrance door several time peacefully, after system is declined, west big powers relies on international law using brute force wedge to have become a member of China. Until but insisting on tradition land under heaven mental consciousness in 1861, since Qing Dynasty is obstinate, China still discriminates against fundamental international law diplomacy principle attitude.Painful getting through two times of Opium War, the enlightened official of Qing dynasty knew the ponderance that way lags behind to tradition diplomacy step by step, moved to the self-improvement actively from passive instinct reaction. They experienced and observed the world modernized tidal current with one kind of sagacious attitude, the entering exploring the foreign policy dealing with concrete matters relating to work and introducing the Western learning, international law in large scale became important content among them because of that. After accepting theory such as relative state sovereignty of international law equality and diplomacy principle the modern times, the Qing government dispatched the permanent envoy ultimately to the west. On the modern Sino-foreign relation history, building-up of the late Qing Dynasty diplomatic envoy system is significant. It marked the pace of China’s modernization has taken a substantial step.While, the early diplomatic envoy system was imperfect in the selection of envoys, accompanying personnel, official rank, tenure and personnel organization such areas. That the first be sent on a diplomatic mission and permanent foreign country, be sent to work abroad having extremely little international law knowledge to inspect with the envoy was row of to be very careful. The envoy under the situation of there being no precedent to imitate , they draw principle according to the international law to make the diplomatic envoy system perfect step by step. The envoy had very big limitation in the cognition to international law, but they applied the international law knowledge in high limit field to defend Chinese rights, made modern Chinese diplomacy had a little of action. The envoy in majority are tradition intellectuals, as a group going globe wide comparatively early, in touching with west society, they kept abrest of times step, the congnition of international law rose extremely all-round from single, reason perceptual rise extremely reason, displayed higher overall know-how, thus made the late Qing Dynasty China transform to the modern times having added the new key factor.The artile analyse detailedly the late Qing Dynasty diplomatic envoy system how to be built, developed and to be perfect according to international law diplomacy principle, through the process of understanding the diplomatic norms by analysing fellow countrymen to international law to seek the rule that late Qing Dynasty early modernized and Chinese diplomacy stepped to the world.

【關鍵詞】 國際法; 晚清駐外使節(jié)制度; 近代化;
【Key words】 international law; input; the Late Qing Dynasty diplomatic envoy system; modernization;

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  •   本文關鍵詞:國際法的輸入與晚清駐外使節(jié)制度近代化,由筆耕文化傳播整理發(fā)布。




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