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發(fā)布時間:2019-04-29 18:23
【摘要】:船舶碰撞損害賠償問題是船舶發(fā)生碰撞事故后亟需解決的緊要問題,而確定適格的責(zé)任主體來承擔(dān)賠償責(zé)任又是其中至關(guān)重要的一環(huán)。對于船舶碰撞損害賠償責(zé)任主體的確定問題,國際上1910年的《統(tǒng)一船舶碰撞若干法律規(guī)定的國際公約》中規(guī)定,由有過失的船舶承擔(dān)賠償責(zé)任,但因我國是不承認(rèn)“對物訴訟”的國家,故受害人不能將“船舶”作為被告而對其直接提出訴訟?v觀我國法律體系,《中華人民共和國海商法》中并未對此有明確規(guī)定,只能依賴《最高人民法院關(guān)于審理船舶碰撞糾紛案件若干問題的規(guī)定》這一司法解釋,而該司法解釋也未從根本上解決這個問題。鑒于此,本文意從我國實際情況出發(fā),以船舶碰撞的立法和實踐為基礎(chǔ),以侵權(quán)責(zé)任法的理論為支撐,參照國內(nèi)外有關(guān)船舶碰撞的理論研究成果,對船舶碰撞損害賠償責(zé)任主體進行比較系統(tǒng)的、全面的研究,并在此基礎(chǔ)上提出一些關(guān)于船舶碰撞立法的建議和意見,為我國船舶碰撞責(zé)任制度的建設(shè)貢獻(xiàn)一份微薄之力。 本文共分為4章。 第1章,船舶碰撞損害賠償責(zé)任主體概述。本章主要從船舶碰撞責(zé)任主體的定義、特點以及構(gòu)成要件三個方面,對本文涉及的基本概念進行闡釋,同時指出當(dāng)前國內(nèi)立法關(guān)于船舶碰撞損害賠償責(zé)任主體問題的規(guī)定所存在的問題,為后文的研究奠定基礎(chǔ)。 第2章,相關(guān)國家關(guān)于船舶碰撞損害賠償責(zé)任主體的立法研究。本章從國際視角出發(fā),對其他先進國家船舶碰撞責(zé)任制度的立法進行述評和研究,并從中借鑒和吸取對我國國內(nèi)立法有用的寶貴經(jīng)驗。 第3章,船舶碰撞損害賠償責(zé)任主體的確定原則。本章在侵權(quán)責(zé)任法理論的支撐下,借鑒英國、加拿大等國家成功的立法經(jīng)驗,總結(jié)出確定船舶碰撞責(zé)任主體應(yīng)遵循的兩個原則,替代責(zé)任原則和實際管理控制船舶原則,為下文確定責(zé)任主體提供依據(jù)。 第4章,船舶碰撞損害賠償責(zé)任主體的識別與判定。本章從航運實踐出發(fā),運用判定船舶碰撞責(zé)任主體的兩大原則,著重分析了船舶所有人、光船承租人、船舶經(jīng)營人以及船舶管理人的責(zé)任主體法律地位,以此確定船舶碰撞法律關(guān)系中真止的責(zé)任主體。
[Abstract]:The problem of ship collision damage compensation is an urgent problem to be solved after the collision accident, and it is very important to determine the suitable liability subject to bear the liability. With regard to the determination of the subject of liability for ship collision damage, the International Convention for the Unification of certain provisions of laws governing collision of ships in 1910 stipulates that the ship with fault shall bear liability for damages. However, because China is a country that does not recognize the "action against rem", the victim cannot take the ship as the defendant and bring a suit against it directly. Throughout China's legal system, there is no clear provision in the Maritime Law of the people's Republic of China, which can only rely on the judicial interpretation of the provisions of the Supreme people's Court on certain issues in handling ship collision disputes, And the judicial interpretation has not fundamentally solved this problem. In view of this, this paper aims to proceed from the actual situation of our country, based on the legislation and practice of ship collision, with the theory of tort liability law as the support, and referring to the theoretical research results of ship collision at home and abroad. This paper makes a systematic and comprehensive study on the subject of liability for ship collision damage, and on this basis, puts forward some suggestions and suggestions on the legislation of ship collision, which contributes a slight contribution to the construction of ship collision liability system in China. This paper is divided into four chapters. Chapter 1 summarizes the main body of liability for ship collision damage. This chapter mainly explains the basic concepts involved in this paper from three aspects: the definition, the characteristics and the constituent elements of the subject of ship collision liability. At the same time, it points out the problems existing in the current domestic legislation on the subject of liability for ship collision damage, which lays a foundation for the later research. Chapter 2, related countries on the main body of liability for ship collision damage legislation research. From the international angle of view, this chapter reviews and studies the legislation of ship collision liability system in other advanced countries, and draws lessons from the valuable experience which is useful to our country's domestic legislation. Chapter 3, the principle of determining the subject of liability for ship collision damage. Supported by the theory of tort liability law, this chapter draws lessons from the successful legislative experiences of Britain, Canada and other countries, and summarizes the two principles that should be followed to determine the subject of ship collision liability, the principle of substitute liability and the principle of actual management and control of ships. To provide the basis for determining the subject of responsibility below. Chapter 4, the identification and judgment of the subject of liability for ship collision damage. Starting from the practice of shipping, using the two principles of determining the subject of ship collision liability, this chapter emphatically analyzes the legal status of the liability subject of ship owner, bareboat charterer, ship operator and ship manager, and analyzes the legal status of ship owner, ship charterer, ship operator and ship manager. So as to determine the real liability subject in the legal relationship of ship collision.


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3 楊立新;;中國侵權(quán)責(zé)任法應(yīng)當(dāng)如何規(guī)定侵權(quán)責(zé)任形態(tài)[J];法律適用;2008年08期

4 張麗敏;;船舶經(jīng)營人與船舶管理人之辨析[J];廣東交通職業(yè)技術(shù)學(xué)院學(xué)報;2006年01期

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7 米健;再論現(xiàn)代侵權(quán)行為法的歸責(zé)原則——兼答張佩霖先生[J];政法論壇;1991年02期

8 毛瑞兆;論雇主的替代責(zé)任[J];政法論壇;2004年03期

9 沈曉平;英國對物訴訟的新發(fā)展——評“Indian Grace(No.2)”一案[J];中國海商法年刊;2000年00期

10 朱作賢;光船租賃權(quán)與物權(quán)公示原則——兼論對我國《船舶登記條例》第6條的理解[J];中國海商法年刊;2001年00期

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1 吳輝生;船舶碰撞原因分析及責(zé)任認(rèn)定[D];上海海事大學(xué);2004年

2 王益烽;船舶碰撞損害賠償研究[D];上海海事大學(xué);2004年

3 耿新穎;船舶經(jīng)營人的識別及其法律地位[D];大連海事大學(xué);2006年

4 楊安山;“船舶經(jīng)營人”研究[D];上海海事大學(xué);2006年





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