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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2019-04-26 05:02
【摘要】:近年來,陸地資源日益枯竭,海洋科學(xué)技術(shù)也迅猛發(fā)展,大陸架所蘊(yùn)涵的豐富資源引發(fā)了各國海洋資源開發(fā)的激烈競爭,一些國家之間產(chǎn)生諸多的劃界爭端。中國和日本的之間的東海大陸架劃界爭端一直沒有得到解決,近年來更加激烈,它直接影響到中日之間的關(guān)系以及兩國今后的發(fā)展,中日兩國之間的東海大陸架劃界爭端是一個(gè)非常棘手的問題,它目前已經(jīng)成為國際上的熱點(diǎn)問題。兩國之間的爭端就目前的形式來看在短時(shí)期內(nèi)是難以解決的,本文正是試圖尋求其解決所作的嘗試。文章從中日兩國所持的不同劃界主張入手,分析了他們各自的劃界主張以及這種劃界主張所產(chǎn)生的后果。闡明了中國所主張的自然延伸原則是有法可依,有理可循的。而日本的等距離中間線劃界方法僅僅是一種劃界方法,并不是大陸架劃界的原則。最后闡明了中日的東海大陸架劃界爭端應(yīng)該適用公平原則。本文除了引言和結(jié)論外共分為三個(gè)部分: 本文首先提出在東海大陸架劃界問題上中日所持的不同主張。中國強(qiáng)調(diào)東海大陸架是中國領(lǐng)土的自然延伸,并以此為依據(jù)提出中日東海大陸架劃界應(yīng)適用自然延伸原則,而日本則主張適用“中間線原則”。其次,闡述了中日不同劃界主張的法律依據(jù)。中國的然延伸原則的法律依據(jù)主要是本國的《中華人民共和國專經(jīng)濟(jì)區(qū)和大陸架法》和《聯(lián)合國海洋法公約》,而日本所主張的“中間線原則”的依據(jù)是日本的《專屬經(jīng)濟(jì)區(qū)和大陸架法》以及《大陸架公約》。最后討論了中日雙方在東海大陸架劃界問題上產(chǎn)生分歧的原因。 第二部分專門討論了公平原則的產(chǎn)生、發(fā)展及含義。公平原則,作為大陸架劃界的基礎(chǔ)原則,產(chǎn)生于國際實(shí)踐并在以后的國際司法和仲裁實(shí)踐中逐步得到確立和發(fā)展。在論述公平原則的含義的同時(shí),筆者闡述了公平原則與其他劃界原則或方法的關(guān)系。筆者指出,等距離中間線是實(shí)現(xiàn)公平原則的一種具體方法;自然延伸原則是公平原則適用的最基本的客觀標(biāo)準(zhǔn);成比例方法是“公平的試金石”。最后闡述了中日東海大陸架劃界應(yīng)該適用公平原則的原因,對此問題筆者分別對中間線方法、成比例方法不適用于東海劃界的原因進(jìn)一步進(jìn)行了論述。 第三部分集中討論了公平原則在中日東海大陸架劃界中的適用。筆者首先提出,運(yùn)用公平原則對東海大陸架劃界進(jìn)行劃界時(shí),我們必須要考慮東海大陸架的地理情況。其次,成比例因素也是大陸架劃界應(yīng)考慮的重要因素之一。最后,從國際法和國際實(shí)踐出發(fā),論述了釣魚島在東海劃界中的效力問題。釣魚島僅僅可以擁有一定范圍的領(lǐng)海,日本以釣魚島為基點(diǎn)劃界的主張不能成立,釣魚島在中日東海大陸架劃界中不應(yīng)具有劃界效力。
[Abstract]:In recent years, land resources have become increasingly depleted and marine science and technology have developed rapidly. The abundant resources contained in the continental shelf have led to fierce competition in the exploitation of marine resources in various countries, and there have been many disputes over the delimitation of marine resources among some countries. The dispute over the delimitation of the continental shelf in the East China Sea between China and Japan has not been resolved and has become more intense in recent years, which directly affects the relations between China and Japan and the future development of the two countries. The dispute over the delimitation of continental shelf in the East China Sea between China and Japan is a very difficult issue, and it has become a hot issue in the world at present. The dispute between the two countries in the present form is difficult to resolve in a short period of time. This paper is an attempt to find a solution to the dispute between the two countries. Starting with the different delimitation claims held by China and Japan, this paper analyzes their respective delimitation claims and the consequences of such delimitation claims. It is pointed out that the principle of natural extension advocated by China is legal and reasonable. However, Japan's isometric middle line delimitation method is only a delimitation method, not the principle of continental shelf delimitation. Finally, it is pointed out that the principle of fairness should be applied to the continental shelf delimitation dispute between China and Japan. In addition to the introduction and conclusion, this paper is divided into three parts: firstly, this paper puts forward the different views held by China and Japan on the delimitation of continental shelf in the East China Sea. China emphasizes that the continental shelf in the East China Sea is the natural extension of its territory, and on the basis of this, it proposes that the principle of natural extension should be applied to the delimitation of the continental shelf in the East China Sea, while Japan advocates the application of the "middle line principle". Secondly, it expounds the legal basis of different delimitation claims between China and Japan. The legal basis for the principle of natural extension of China is primarily its Law on the exclusive Economic Zone and Continental Shelf of the people's Republic of China and the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, The middle line principle advocated by Japan is based on Japan's exclusive Economic Zone and Continental Shelf Law and the Continental Shelf Convention. Finally, the reasons for the differences between China and Japan on the delimitation of continental shelf in the East China Sea are discussed. The second part discusses the emergence, development and meaning of the principle of equity. The principle of fairness, as the basic principle of continental shelf delimitation, arises from international practice and is gradually established and developed in the future practice of international justice and arbitration. While discussing the meaning of the principle of fairness, the author expounds the relationship between the principle of fairness and other principles or methods of delimitation. The author points out that the equidistant middle line is a concrete method to realize the principle of fairness, the principle of natural extension is the most basic objective criterion for the application of the principle of fairness, and the proportional method is a "fair touchstone". Finally, the reasons why the principle of fairness should be applied to the continental shelf delimitation in the East China Sea between China and Japan are expounded, and the reasons why the intermediate line method and the proportional method are not applicable to the delimitation of the East China Sea are further discussed. The third part focuses on the application of the principle of fairness to the delimitation of the continental shelf in the East China Sea between China and Japan. The author first points out that we must consider the geographical conditions of the continental shelf in the East China Sea when we apply the principle of fairness to the delimitation of the continental shelf in the East China Sea. Secondly, proportional factor is one of the important factors to be considered in continental shelf delimitation. Finally, the validity of Diaoyu Island in the East China Sea is discussed from international law and international practice. The Diaoyu Island can only have a certain range of territorial waters, Japan's claim that the Diaoyu Island is based on the Diaoyu Island cannot be established, and the Diaoyu Island should not have the delimitation effect in the delimitation of the continental shelf in the East China Sea between China and Japan.


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