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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2019-04-20 08:09
【摘要】:當(dāng)今世界,各國愈加重視加強(qiáng)可再生能源領(lǐng)域國際合作的力度,研究、開發(fā)、利用可再生能源以緩解全球變暖、減少大氣污染,保護(hù)人類健康、實(shí)現(xiàn)能源安全。在此背景下,國際可再生能源機(jī)構(gòu)(International Renewable Energy Agency,簡(jiǎn)稱IRENA)應(yīng)運(yùn)而生。本文從IRENA規(guī)約入手,在對(duì)規(guī)約基本內(nèi)容、法律制度以及中國加入后的影響的研究基礎(chǔ)上,借鑒IRENA規(guī)約在立法目的、可再生能源教育以及國際合作三個(gè)方面的有益經(jīng)驗(yàn),結(jié)合我國的《可再生能源法》在相關(guān)問題上的不足之處提出相應(yīng)的建議。本文的創(chuàng)新點(diǎn)在于以IRENA規(guī)約研究為切入點(diǎn),主要觀點(diǎn)是:首先,在立法目的方面,將控制全球變暖、減少空氣污染和保護(hù)人體健康作為我國《可再生能源法》的立法目的寫入第一條;其次,在我國《可再生能源法》中應(yīng)當(dāng)明確可再生能源教育的重要性以及具體的措施;最后,高度重視在可再生能源領(lǐng)域開展國際合作并將其寫入《可再生能源法》。以上建議對(duì)于完善我國的《可再生能源法》具有理論價(jià)值和實(shí)踐意義。
[Abstract]:In today's world, more and more countries attach importance to strengthening international cooperation in renewable energy field, research, development and utilization of renewable energy to alleviate global warming, reduce air pollution, protect human health and achieve energy security. In this context, the International Renewable Energy Agency (International Renewable Energy Agency, short for IRENA) came into being. Based on the study of the basic contents, the legal system and the influence of China's accession to the IRENA Statute, this paper draws lessons from the useful experience of the IRENA Statute in three aspects: legislative purpose, renewable energy education and international cooperation. According to the deficiency of the Renewable Energy Law in our country, some suggestions are put forward. The innovation of this paper is to take the study of IRENA protocol as the starting point. The main point of view is: firstly, in terms of legislative purposes, global warming will be controlled. Reducing air pollution and protecting human health as the legislative purpose of the Renewable Energy Law of our country is written in Article 1; Secondly, the importance and concrete measures of renewable energy education should be clearly defined in the Renewable Energy Law of our country, and finally, the international cooperation in the field of renewable energy should be attached great importance to and incorporated into the Renewable Energy Law. The above suggestions are of theoretical and practical significance to perfect the Renewable Energy Law in China.


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