
當前位置:主頁 > 法律論文 > 國際法論文 >


發(fā)布時間:2019-04-19 21:01
[Abstract]:Informatization and internationalization have become the development trend of modern society. The convenience of the network urges more and more consumers to cross-border online consumption, resulting in an endless stream of consumer disputes. Because of the small volume and large quantity of cross-border online consumption transactions, the traditional dispute resolution method can not meet the requirements. (ODR), an online dispute resolution mechanism, combines the alternative dispute resolution mechanism with the development of network technology, and provides a convenient, economical, efficient and fair method for cross-border online consumption. In the past ten years since the development of the ODR, the international community and countries have increasingly attached importance to this mechanism and promoted it in policy and practice. However, due to the differences in national legislation and practice, as well as some shortcomings of the online dispute settlement mechanism itself, Leading to the development of ODR more than ten years, in the international scope did not play a fully envisaged role. Taking the online dispute resolution mechanism of transnational online consumption dispute as the research object, this paper analyzes the current policy and practice development status of the international community, discusses the existing legal problems of ODR, and tries to perfect this mechanism. Finally, the paper gives some suggestions on the development of online dispute settlement mechanism in China, in order to give full play to the online dispute resolution mechanism to resolve transnational online consumption disputes, and to enhance consumers' confidence in transnational online consumption. The role of promoting the development of transnational e-commerce.


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