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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2019-04-17 16:43
【摘要】:二戰(zhàn)結(jié)束以后,國(guó)際海運(yùn)業(yè)得到了的極大振興與發(fā)展,為了能在激烈的市場(chǎng)競(jìng)爭(zhēng)中勝出,海運(yùn)市場(chǎng)的參與者盡量減少運(yùn)輸成本,在利益的驅(qū)使下大量使用低標(biāo)準(zhǔn)船。此外,由于船旗國(guó)缺乏嚴(yán)格的管理,這些低標(biāo)準(zhǔn)船在運(yùn)載過程中造成了一次次的重大事故,對(duì)海洋安全構(gòu)成了巨大的威脅。為了保護(hù)海洋環(huán)境,確保航運(yùn)業(yè)的健康發(fā)展,世界各區(qū)域相繼成立了港口國(guó)監(jiān)督諒解備忘錄組織,開展實(shí)施港口國(guó)監(jiān)督檢查。但是另一方面,隨著港口國(guó)監(jiān)督檢查的深入開展,也帶了一系列的問題,如因港口國(guó)監(jiān)督造成大量不適當(dāng)滯留船舶情況的發(fā)生。 本文針對(duì)這一問題,通過對(duì)其原因的分析,研究探討其法律責(zé)任問題,并進(jìn)而提出減少港口國(guó)監(jiān)督造成不適當(dāng)滯留的建議和對(duì)策。本文第一章主要闡述了港口國(guó)監(jiān)督制度產(chǎn)生的背景以及其主要內(nèi)容和措施。第二章主要從各方面分析不適當(dāng)滯留船舶的原因,如故意違法作業(yè),工作人員業(yè)務(wù)素質(zhì)不高、標(biāo)準(zhǔn)不統(tǒng)一等等造成的過失滯留。第三章主要從國(guó)家賠償角度分析因港口監(jiān)督當(dāng)局過失造成船舶的不適當(dāng)滯留或延誤應(yīng)該承擔(dān)的法律責(zé)任。第四章主要闡述因港口國(guó)監(jiān)督當(dāng)局不適當(dāng)滯留船舶造成損害,被滯留的船舶方應(yīng)采取什么樣的救濟(jì)途徑,以及能否對(duì)賠償義務(wù)機(jī)構(gòu)適用賠償責(zé)任限制的制度。第五章主要闡述港口國(guó)監(jiān)督當(dāng)局應(yīng)采取何種有效措施降低不適當(dāng)滯留船舶率。 港口國(guó)監(jiān)督制度的實(shí)施,對(duì)保護(hù)海洋環(huán)境安全,對(duì)提高全球的航運(yùn)水平都有著重大的意義。但是如果這一制度運(yùn)用不當(dāng),也會(huì)造成船舶不適當(dāng)滯留的問題。本文在大量占有資料的基礎(chǔ)上,在寫作的過程中運(yùn)用了法學(xué)比較法、歸納法、資料分析法等方法,力求理論和實(shí)際相結(jié)合,力求從多方面和多角度對(duì)問題進(jìn)行探討,以達(dá)到本文的寫作研究目的。
[Abstract]:After the end of World War II, the international shipping industry has been greatly reinvigorating and developing. In order to win in the fierce market competition, the participants of the maritime market minimize the transportation cost and use the low-standard ship in a large amount under the drive of the interests. In addition, due to the lack of strict management of flag States, these low-standard vessels pose a major threat to the safety of the oceans in the course of their delivery. In order to protect the marine environment and to ensure the healthy development of the shipping industry, the various regions of the world have successively established the port State to monitor the memorandum of understanding and carry out the port State supervision and inspection. On the other hand, with the further development of the supervision and inspection of the port State, a series of problems have been brought to the fore, as the supervision of the port State causes a large amount of inappropriate detention of the ship. In the light of this problem, through the analysis of its causes, this paper discusses its legal liability, and then puts forward some suggestions to reduce the improper detention caused by port State supervision. The first chapter of this paper mainly expounds the background and main contents of the port State supervision system. Measures. The second chapter mainly analyzes the causes of inappropriate detention of the ship from all aspects, such as the deliberate illegal operation, the low professional quality of the staff, the standard non-uniform and so on The third chapter mainly analyzes the law of the improper retention or delay of the ship caused by the negligence of the port supervision authorities from the angle of national compensation. The fourth chapter mainly states what kind of relief way the detained ship shall take, and whether the compensation liability is applicable to the compensation liability institution, as a result of the damage to the ship caused by the improper detention of the ship by the port State supervision authorities. Chapter V deals mainly with the effective measures that the port State supervisory authorities should take to reduce the inappropriate retention of the ship The implementation of the port State supervision system is of great importance to the protection of the marine environment and has a great impact on the improvement of the global shipping level. It is of great significance, but if the system is not used properly, it will cause the ship to be inappropriate. On the basis of large amount of information, this paper uses the methods of law comparison, induction and data analysis in the process of writing, and tries to combine the theory with practice, and try to discuss the problem from many aspects and angles so as to achieve the writing of this paper.


相關(guān)期刊論文 前9條

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9 羅松淼,王容,胡強(qiáng)生,包雄關(guān);PSC造成不適當(dāng)滯留的對(duì)策[J];中國(guó)水運(yùn);2002年12期





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