
當(dāng)前位置:主頁 > 法律論文 > 國際法論文 >


發(fā)布時間:2019-04-13 19:30
[Abstract]:The protection of the rights of persons with disabilities in civil air transportation has been paid more and more attention in the world. Persons with disabilities not only enjoy the same opportunities for air travel as other citizens, but should also enjoy the same, or even more favourable, treatment as other passengers. The protection of the rights and interests of the disabled in air transport in China started late, the regulations on the protection of the rights of persons with disabilities in the regulations of passenger air transport are relatively lagging, and there is a lack of a systematic legal system for safeguarding the rights and interests of persons with disabilities in air transport. In the implementation of the lack of normative and effective institutional support. Some mature regulations and practices of the International Aviation Organization and the international community in the facilitation of passengers with disabilities, comprehensive and non-discriminatory treatment, and enforcement procedures in the protection of the rights and interests of persons with disabilities are worthy of our reference. In order to improve the rights and interests of passengers with disabilities in air transport, China needs to perfect some provisions of the Air Transport measures for Persons with Disabilities (trial), so as to enhance the effectiveness of the norms. At the same time, the civil aviation bureau and social forces should work together to protect the rights and interests of the disabled in passenger air transport.


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