
當(dāng)前位置:主頁(yè) > 法律論文 > 國(guó)際法論文 >


發(fā)布時(shí)間:2019-04-11 09:49
[Abstract]:International commercial arbitration means that the parties to the dispute refer the commercial dispute to the agreed arbitration tribunal, and the arbitration tribunal shall make a binding decision to the parties. Compared with the transnational civil action, the international commercial arbitration has the advantages of high efficiency, confidentiality, rapidness, easy implementation and the like, and is favored by most international commercial subjects, and the number of cases submitted to the international commercial arbitration every year is high. International commercial arbitration has a very clear meaning of self-government. However, if the international commercial arbitration award is to be enforced, it must meet the requirements of a certain substantive law and procedural law. Both the international convention and the national legislative level provide for the recognition and enforcement of the international commercial arbitration award. When a party applies for enforcement of an international commercial arbitration award to a court of a State, national courts generally conduct judicial review of the legality of the entity of the commercial arbitration award and the legality of the procedure in accordance with its national legislation. The reason is that, on the one hand, in the event of international commercial arbitration, the autonomy of the parties acting as the subject of private law is subject to the restriction of the law; on the other hand, since the enforcement of the international commercial arbitration award is often involved in the property in the country and in the country, The judicial review of the international commercial arbitration award is also the need for the State to exercise judicial sovereignty. Therefore, the author has made a textual research on the judicial review system of the international commercial arbitration award, and summarized the relevant legislation in China and the problems encountered in the judicial practice in recent years, and put forward some suggestions. In particular, the contents of this paper are divided into four parts.


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