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發(fā)布時間:2019-04-10 21:18
【摘要】:《聯(lián)合國國際貨物銷售合同公約》(以下簡稱《公約》或CISG)作為國際貿(mào)易中的一項基本法或一項重要的國際貿(mào)易慣例,匯集了各主要法系的非凡成就,繼承了國際貨物買賣中長期形成的各項基本原則,并移植了各國國內(nèi)法的成功理念,并在此基礎(chǔ)上進行創(chuàng)新、改進,從而將合同法提升到了一個新的水平。它不僅體現(xiàn)了大陸法系、普通法系和社會主義法系之間的平衡,同樣也體現(xiàn)了發(fā)達國家和發(fā)展中國家的不同利益和要求,因而得到國際社會的廣泛的認可和適用。為國際貿(mào)易領(lǐng)域內(nèi)的交易者所熟知,同時也成為各國法官、仲裁員斷案時最常用的法律依據(jù)之一。如今,它已經(jīng)成為國際貿(mào)易中一項不可或缺的基本法律。附條件承諾制度作為《公約》中一項重要制度在國際貿(mào)易中的作用同樣至關(guān)重要,它是人們認定合同成立與否的重要依據(jù)。隨著國際貿(mào)易的快速發(fā)展,附條件承諾制度在世界范圍內(nèi)正受越來越多人的關(guān)注。尤其是當格式合同廣泛運用于現(xiàn)代商業(yè)貿(mào)易活動中,格式文本在合同訂立的過程中所發(fā)揮的作用就尤為重要,商人們往往無視雙方格式合同內(nèi)容的差異,照常進行交易,從而引發(fā)“格式之戰(zhàn)”。為了平息“格式之戰(zhàn)”,使交易更加便利,因此,關(guān)于附條件承諾制度的研究就顯得更加重要。 有鑒于此,本文將通過對《公約》第19條的分析,對附條件承諾制度進行深入地探討。本文主要從四個部分對該條進行論述。第一個部分主要敘述《公約》第19條的歷史沿革;第二部分具體介紹《公約》第19條的內(nèi)容;第三部分主要是對該條的評論以及通過與美國《統(tǒng)一商法典》進行比較對該條提出完善建議;最后一部分,詳述我國相關(guān)規(guī)定及該項制度的缺陷,并且對完善該制度給出一些建議。
[Abstract]:The United Nations Convention on contracts for the International Sale of goods (hereinafter referred to as the Convention or CISG), as a basic law or an important international trade practice in international trade, brings together the extraordinary achievements of the principal legal systems, It inherits the basic principles of the long-term formation of international sale of goods, and transplants the successful idea of domestic law of various countries, and on this basis, carries on the innovation and the improvement, thus elevates the contract law to a new level. It not only embodies the balance among civil law system, common law system and socialist law system, but also embodies the different interests and demands of developed and developing countries, so it has been widely recognized and applied by the international community. Known to traders in the field of international trade, it has also become one of the most commonly used legal bases for the adjudication of cases by judges and arbitrators of various countries. Today, it has become an indispensable basic law in international trade. The conditional commitment system, as an important system in the Convention, also plays an important role in international trade, and it is an important basis for people to determine whether the contract is established or not. With the rapid development of international trade, conditional commitment system is being paid more and more attention in the world. Especially when the format contract is widely used in modern commercial and trade activities, the role of format text in the process of contract formation is particularly important. Businessmen often ignore the differences in the content of the form contract between the two parties and conduct transactions as usual. This causes the "format war". In order to quell the "format war" and make the transaction more convenient, it is more important to study the conditional commitment system. In view of this, through the analysis of Article 19 of the Convention, this paper will discuss the conditional commitment system in depth. This article mainly discusses this article from four parts. The first part mainly describes the historical evolution of article 19 of the Convention; the second part details the content of article 19 of the Convention; The third part mainly comments on the article and puts forward some suggestions to perfect the article by comparing it with the uniform Commercial Code of the United States. In the last part, the related regulations and the defects of the system are described in detail, and some suggestions are given to perfect the system.


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