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發(fā)布時間:2019-04-09 12:27
【摘要】:《能源憲章條約》(以下簡稱ECT)是第一個專門解決能源投資爭議的多邊條約,對維持國際能源市場的穩(wěn)定,保障能源安全,保護(hù)投資者的利益發(fā)揮著日益顯著的作用。ECT投資仲裁機(jī)制更是ECT的亮點(diǎn)之一。在國際能源投資爭端的解決方面,ECT投資仲裁機(jī)制功不可沒,出現(xiàn)了許多有影響力的案件。通過對ECT相關(guān)案例進(jìn)行考察,可以了解相關(guān)案例的當(dāng)事人、爭議事項(xiàng)、仲裁機(jī)構(gòu)及仲裁結(jié)果等相關(guān)情況,還可總結(jié)這十年ECT投資仲裁機(jī)制適用的規(guī)律和特點(diǎn),發(fā)現(xiàn)投資者與東道國之間常見的爭端事由。 ECT投資仲裁機(jī)制的適用可分為兩個部分,一是投資者選擇適用ECT投資仲裁機(jī)制之前需要考慮的一些因素;二是仲裁申請?zhí)峤缓,也就是具體適用過程中仲裁機(jī)構(gòu)要處理的一些問題。適用前考量的對象主要在ECT投資仲裁機(jī)制的程序方面,它主張盡可能和平解決爭端,并且不需窮盡當(dāng)?shù)鼐葷?jì),投資者可以選擇爭端解決程序,而且締約國需無條件同意仲裁。但是這種“無條件同意”有一定的例外情況,因此投資者在選擇仲裁機(jī)制以及仲裁機(jī)構(gòu)時不僅要考慮一些主客觀因素,還需注意無條件同意的例外情況。進(jìn)入第二階段,仲裁機(jī)構(gòu)受理仲裁申請后就需考慮案件是否符合管轄權(quán)的五個條件,是否符合ECT第17條對管轄權(quán)的特殊規(guī)定;若享有管轄權(quán),適用ECT投資仲裁機(jī)制解決具體爭議時可以適用的法律也是有限的;而對于選擇暫時適用ECT的國家,,ECT在該國提出停止暫時適用前是完全生效的。 ECT投資仲裁機(jī)制具體適用的經(jīng)驗(yàn)告訴我們ECT傾向于保護(hù)投資者,限制國家的管轄權(quán),除非雙方特別規(guī)定當(dāng)?shù)鼐葷?jì)優(yōu)先、重大安全例外或其他排他管轄規(guī)定,否則仲裁庭對投資者提交的仲裁申請享有全面管轄權(quán)。中國投資領(lǐng)域目前是以吸收外資為主,對外投資雖不斷地發(fā)展但仍有不足,國內(nèi)經(jīng)濟(jì)政策不太穩(wěn)定,且國內(nèi)的投資爭端解決制度欠完善,而對國際層面的投資爭端解決機(jī)制的制定和適用方面都參與不足,所以現(xiàn)階段應(yīng)以保護(hù)本國國家主權(quán)為主,守住四大“安全閥”,不宜馬上加入ECT。我國應(yīng)盡力完善中國能源投資爭端解決機(jī)制,增強(qiáng)對國際投資爭端解決機(jī)制的影響力,培養(yǎng)國際仲裁方面的人才。
[Abstract]:The Energy Charter Treaty (hereinafter referred to as ECT) is the first multilateral treaty devoted to the resolution of disputes over energy investment. It is the first multilateral treaty to maintain the stability of the international energy market and safeguard energy security. The investment arbitration mechanism is one of the highlights of ECT. In the settlement of international energy investment disputes, ECT investment arbitration mechanism plays an important role, there are a lot of influential cases. Through investigating the relevant cases of ECT, we can understand the parties, disputes, arbitration institutions and arbitration results of the relevant cases, and sum up the applicable rules and characteristics of the ECT investment arbitration mechanism in the past ten years. Identify common causes of disputes between investors and host countries. The application of ECT investment arbitration mechanism can be divided into two parts: one is some factors investors need to consider before they choose to apply ECT investment arbitration mechanism; Second, after the submission of the arbitration application, that is, some issues to be dealt with by the arbitration institution in the process of specific application. The main subject of pre-application consideration is the procedure of the ECT Investment Arbitration Mechanism, which advocates the peaceful settlement of disputes as far as possible and does not require the exhaustion of local remedies, investors can choose dispute settlement procedures, and the parties need to agree to arbitration unconditionally. However, there are some exceptions to this kind of "unconditional consent", so investors should not only consider some subjective and objective factors when choosing arbitration mechanism and arbitration institution, but also pay attention to the exception of unconditional consent. In the second stage, when the arbitration institution accepts the arbitration application, it needs to consider whether the case meets the five conditions of jurisdiction and whether it meets the special provisions of article 17 of ECT on jurisdiction. In the case of jurisdiction, the applicable law of ECT investment arbitration mechanism is also limited, and for countries that choose to apply ECT provisionally, ECT is fully in force before it proposes to suspend provisional application in that country. The experience of the specific application of the ECT investment arbitration mechanism tells us that ECT prefers to protect investors and limit the jurisdiction of the State, unless the parties specifically specify local relief priorities, significant security exceptions or other exclusionary provisions. Otherwise, the arbitral tribunal shall have full jurisdiction over the arbitration application submitted by the investor. At present, China's investment field is dominated by the absorption of foreign capital, although foreign investment continues to develop but there are still shortcomings, domestic economic policies are not very stable, and the domestic investment dispute settlement system is not perfect. However, the establishment and application of the investment dispute settlement mechanism at the international level are insufficient, so at this stage we should focus on the protection of the sovereignty of our country and keep the four "safety valves", and it is not appropriate to join the ECT. immediately. China should try its best to perfect China's energy investment dispute settlement mechanism, strengthen its influence on international investment dispute settlement mechanism, and train talents in international arbitration.


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