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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2019-04-03 07:43
【摘要】:雙邊投資條約(Bilateral Investment Treaties,簡(jiǎn)稱BITs)是指資本輸出國(guó)與輸入國(guó)之間簽訂的旨在維護(hù)健康的投資環(huán)境、加強(qiáng)對(duì)外國(guó)的投資保護(hù),而規(guī)范、鼓勵(lì)、保護(hù)和促進(jìn)兩國(guó)間私人直接投資活動(dòng)的雙邊條約之總稱。隨著經(jīng)濟(jì)全球化的不斷加強(qiáng)和國(guó)際投資活動(dòng)的日趨活躍,發(fā)生在投資者與東道國(guó)之間的投資爭(zhēng)端日益增多。通過(guò)法律方式妥善解決這些爭(zhēng)端,對(duì)于保障投資者的利益和維護(hù)東道國(guó)的投資法律秩序有著非常重要的作用。雙邊投資條約對(duì)締約國(guó)之間的權(quán)利義務(wù)及爭(zhēng)端解決方式等都進(jìn)行了明確約定。為外國(guó)投資者的合法權(quán)益和東道國(guó)的法律秩序提供了重要保障!虼,雙邊投資條約的數(shù)量不斷增加,截止目前,各國(guó)簽署的雙邊投資條約有2600個(gè)之多。20世紀(jì)90年代以來(lái),隨著國(guó)際經(jīng)濟(jì)尤其是國(guó)際投資的迅速發(fā)展,傳統(tǒng)國(guó)際投資法規(guī)則中對(duì)外國(guó)投資者的保護(hù)已經(jīng)不能滿足資本輸出國(guó)的需求了,在資本輸出國(guó)的極力推動(dòng)下,國(guó)際投資條約數(shù)量急劇增加并呈現(xiàn)出了高標(biāo)準(zhǔn)、自由化的發(fā)展趨勢(shì),旨在為本國(guó)對(duì)外投資謀取更大的經(jīng)濟(jì)利益;與此同時(shí),東道國(guó)尤其是一些發(fā)展中國(guó)家,為了吸引更多的外國(guó)投資以發(fā)展本國(guó)的經(jīng)濟(jì),在締結(jié)的國(guó)際投資條約中做出了巨大的妥協(xié)與讓步;這一時(shí)期,國(guó)際政治經(jīng)濟(jì)新秩序逐漸形成,文化多樣性得到認(rèn)同。這些新的國(guó)際形勢(shì)都對(duì)雙邊投資條約的發(fā)展及其作用的發(fā)揮提出了挑戰(zhàn)。 本文旨在對(duì)新形勢(shì)下雙邊投資條約所面臨的兩個(gè)主要問(wèn)題:雙邊投資條約的發(fā)展與習(xí)慣國(guó)際法、雙邊投資條約發(fā)展的困境進(jìn)行研究,以厘清在新的國(guó)際形勢(shì)下雙邊投資條約與習(xí)慣國(guó)際法的關(guān)系以及雙邊投資發(fā)展面臨的困難,為雙邊投資條約的發(fā)展及其作用的充分發(fā)揮掃清障礙。因此本文采用了文獻(xiàn)研究法、個(gè)案研究法、功能分析法等方法對(duì)該二問(wèn)題進(jìn)行了分析。通過(guò)分析和研究得出結(jié)論:1、習(xí)慣國(guó)際法為雙邊投資條約的出現(xiàn)和發(fā)展奠定了基礎(chǔ);雙邊投資條約規(guī)范了習(xí)慣國(guó)際法;2、在新形勢(shì)下,由于文化多樣性、執(zhí)行者以及法律規(guī)范的多樣性,導(dǎo)致雙邊投資條約的發(fā)展面臨重重困難。
[Abstract]:A bilateral investment treaty (Bilateral Investment Treaties,) refers to a treaty signed between a capital exporting country and an importing country aimed at maintaining a healthy investment environment and strengthening the protection of foreign investment, while regulating and encouraging, General term for bilateral treaties for the protection and promotion of private direct investment activities between the two countries. With the continuous strengthening of economic globalization and the increasing activity of international investment, the investment disputes between investors and host countries are increasing day by day. The proper settlement of these disputes by means of law plays a very important role in safeguarding the interests of investors and safeguarding the investment legal order of the host country. Bilateral investment treaties (bits) clearly stipulate the rights and obligations of the parties and the way of dispute settlement. It provides an important guarantee for the legitimate rights and interests of foreign investors and the legal order of the host country. As a result, the number of bilateral investment treaties continues to increase, and up to now, there are as many as 2600 bits signed by countries. Since the 1990s, with the rapid development of the international economy, especially international investment, The protection of foreign investors in the traditional rules of international investment law can no longer meet the needs of capital exporting countries. Under the vigorous promotion of capital exporting countries, the number of international investment treaties has increased sharply and presented a high standard. The trend of liberalization is aimed at seeking greater economic benefits for the foreign investment of our country; At the same time, in order to attract more foreign investment to develop their own economy, the host country, especially some developing countries, has made great compromises and concessions in the international investment treaties concluded. During this period, the new international political and economic order gradually formed, and cultural diversity was recognized. These new international situations challenge the development and function of bilateral investment treaties. The purpose of this paper is to study the development of bilateral investment treaties and customary international law, and the dilemma of bilateral investment treaties, which are the two main problems faced by bilateral investment treaties under the new situation. In order to clarify the relationship between bilateral investment treaties and customary international law under the new international situation as well as the difficulties faced in the development of bilateral investment treaties, clear the obstacles for the development of bilateral investment treaties and the full play of their role. Therefore, this paper adopts the methods of literature research, case study and functional analysis to analyze the two problems. The conclusions are as follows: (1) customary international law lays a foundation for the emergence and development of bilateral investment treaties (bits), and bilateral investment treaties (bits) regulate customary international law; 2. Under the new situation, the development of bilateral investment treaties faces many difficulties due to cultural diversity, the diversity of enforcers and legal norms.


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