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發(fā)布時間:2019-04-02 14:04
【摘要】:自從建立貿易關系到現在,中美貿易交往日益密切,其中不可避免地存在摩擦與矛盾,,中美貿易的發(fā)展道路十分曲折。逐漸地,美國成為與中國發(fā)生貿易摩擦最頻繁、最激烈的國家。一方面我們可以看到的是龐大的美國市場、潛在的巨大的中國市場以及日益密切的經貿往來;另一方面我們也應該意識到美國的經貿政策是結合經濟利益與政治利益為一體的政策。面對此境遇,不知道中美貿易未來走勢將會如何。 本文首先通過回顧近年來中美貿易摩擦的具體事件從而分析出中美貿易摩擦的新特點有政治化傾向加劇、摩擦的復合性、常態(tài)性、以及對地區(qū)乃至全球的聯動效應,其次探討中美貿易摩擦愈演愈烈的原因在于中美貿易逆差狀態(tài)、美國貿易保護主義嚴重以及我國經濟自身的缺陷導致。文章第二部分著重分析了利用WTO爭端解決機制解決中美貿易爭端的必要性與障礙,闡述何為WTO爭端解決機制,發(fā)展中國家為何應利用該機制,以及我國利用該機制解決中美貿易爭端的障礙。最后,文章探討了我國利用WTO爭端解決機制解決貿易摩擦的方法和策略。 筆者認為,中美貿易摩擦是兩種體制碰撞下的歷史必然結果,對此我們應該積極對待,并主動采取行動,找出大環(huán)境下的自身原因。我國應健全適合WTO規(guī)則的法律制度,在扶持企業(yè)發(fā)展的過程中,應該注重對企業(yè)經營環(huán)境的優(yōu)化而并非簡單地用資金支持。另外我國應建立針對美國貿易信息的動態(tài)預警機制并建立專門針對中美貿易爭端的研究和咨詢機構,同時我國更為積極主動地起訴應訴,采取適當的報復行動從而維護自身的利益。在國際法層面,文章提出我國應在WTO規(guī)則改革中體現更多主動性、發(fā)揮更大話語權,應積極參與并推動WTO反傾銷規(guī)則、反補貼規(guī)則及保障措施制度的規(guī)范與改革。
[Abstract]:Since the establishment of trade relations between China and the United States, trade exchanges between China and the United States have become increasingly close, in which inevitably there are frictions and contradictions, and the development path of Sino-US trade is very zigzag. Gradually, the United States has become the most frequent and fiercest country in trade friction with China. On the one hand, what we can see is the huge American market, the potential huge Chinese market and the increasingly close economic and trade exchanges; On the other hand, we should realize that the economic and trade policy of the United States is a combination of economic and political interests. In the face of this situation, I do not know what the future trend of Sino-US trade will be. First of all, by reviewing the specific events of Sino-US trade friction in recent years, this paper analyzes the new characteristics of Sino-US trade friction, such as the aggravation of politicization, the compound and normality of friction, and the linkage effect on the region and even the whole world. Secondly, the reason why the Sino-US trade friction is increasing is due to the state of Sino-US trade deficit, the serious trade protectionism of the United States and the defects of our economy. The second part of the article focuses on the necessity and obstacles of using WTO dispute settlement mechanism to resolve Sino-US trade disputes, expounds what is the WTO dispute settlement mechanism, and why developing countries should make use of this mechanism. And China's use of this mechanism to resolve Sino-US trade disputes obstacles. Finally, this paper discusses the methods and strategies of using WTO dispute settlement mechanism to solve trade frictions in China. The author thinks that the trade friction between China and the United States is the inevitable result of the collision between the two systems. We should treat it positively and take the initiative to find out its own reasons under the general environment. China should perfect the legal system suitable for the WTO rules. In the process of supporting the development of enterprises, we should pay attention to the optimization of the business environment of the enterprises rather than simply using funds to support them. In addition, China should establish a dynamic early-warning mechanism for US trade information and establish research and advisory bodies specifically for Sino-US trade disputes, and at the same time, China should be more proactive in prosecuting and responding to complaints. Take appropriate retaliatory action in order to defend your own interests. At the level of international law, the article puts forward that China should embody more initiative and give full play to the right of speech in the reform of WTO rules, and should actively participate in and promote the norms and reforms of the anti-dumping rules, countervailing rules and safeguard measures of WTO.


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