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發(fā)布時間:2019-03-20 18:47
【摘要】: 隨著經(jīng)濟(jì)全球化和國際貿(mào)易的發(fā)展,包括原產(chǎn)地規(guī)則在內(nèi)的各種非關(guān)稅措施被各國用于貿(mào)易保護(hù)的趨勢進(jìn)一步加強。盡管經(jīng)濟(jì)界和法律界人士對原產(chǎn)地規(guī)則的研究成果可謂汗牛充棟,但一般都是針對WTO多邊貿(mào)易體制下的非優(yōu)惠原產(chǎn)地規(guī)則,鮮有詳細(xì)論及優(yōu)惠性原產(chǎn)地規(guī)則、特別是FTA下的原產(chǎn)地規(guī)則者。本文正是基于FTA下原產(chǎn)地規(guī)則的重要性和中國目前缺乏相應(yīng)研究的現(xiàn)狀,在借鑒NAFTA模式和PAN EURO模式原產(chǎn)地規(guī)則的基礎(chǔ)上,從中國FTA實踐的原產(chǎn)地規(guī)則中,根據(jù)其不同特征,創(chuàng)設(shè)了三個原產(chǎn)地規(guī)則模式,并進(jìn)行評價,之后初步提出了中國FTA實踐的原產(chǎn)地規(guī)則的完善構(gòu)想。全文分為三個部分。 第一部分首先論述了FTA的原產(chǎn)地規(guī)則構(gòu)成要件,并以原產(chǎn)地判定標(biāo)準(zhǔn)為核心進(jìn)行了重點探討,對現(xiàn)行的三種原產(chǎn)地判定標(biāo)準(zhǔn),即加工工序標(biāo)準(zhǔn)、從價百分比標(biāo)準(zhǔn)和稅目改變標(biāo)準(zhǔn)逐一進(jìn)行了分析;其次,對目前兩大FTA的原產(chǎn)地規(guī)則模式進(jìn)行了實證分析,從原產(chǎn)地規(guī)則的構(gòu)成要件入手,用定量分析的方式,對比NAFTA模式和PAN EURO模式的優(yōu)劣勢,找出二者具體制度的特色。 第二部分通過創(chuàng)設(shè)三個FTA的原產(chǎn)地規(guī)則模式,剖析評價了中國FTA實踐的原產(chǎn)地規(guī)則,在對產(chǎn)品特定層面和制度特定層面的研究中,指出其特征和缺陷。 第三部分對照第二部分所總結(jié)的中國FTA實踐的原產(chǎn)地規(guī)則的缺陷,提出了完善與改進(jìn)中國FTA實踐的原產(chǎn)地規(guī)則的前瞻性的構(gòu)想。
[Abstract]:With the economic globalization and the development of international trade, all kinds of non-tariff measures, including rules of origin, are being used for trade protection by countries. Although the economic and legal circles have done a lot of research on rules of origin, they are generally aimed at non-preferential rules of origin under the WTO multilateral trading system, and rarely deal with preferential rules of origin in detail. In particular, the rules of origin under the FTA. This paper is based on the importance of the rules of origin under FTA and the lack of corresponding research in China at present. On the basis of drawing lessons from the rules of origin of NAFTA model and PAN EURO model, according to the different characteristics of the rules of origin in China's FTA practice, Three models of rules of origin were set up and evaluated. After that, the perfect conception of rules of origin of China's FTA practice was put forward. The full text is divided into three parts. The first part discusses the constituent elements of the rules of origin of FTA, and focuses on the criteria of origin determination, and discusses the three existing criteria of origin, that is, the standard of processing procedure. The specific price percentage standard and the tax line change standard are analyzed one by one. Secondly, this paper makes an empirical analysis of the rules of origin of the two major FTA models, starting from the constituent elements of the rules of origin, comparing the advantages and disadvantages of the NAFTA model and the PAN EURO model by quantitative analysis, and finding out the characteristics of the two specific systems. The second part analyzes and evaluates the rules of origin of China's FTA practice by creating three rules of origin models of FTA, and points out its characteristics and defects in the research of product-specific level and system-specific level. According to the defects of the rules of origin in China's FTA practice, the third part puts forward the forward-looking conception of perfecting and improving the rules of origin of China's FTA practice.


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1 鄧永軍;貨物原產(chǎn)地規(guī)則研究[D];華東政法大學(xué);2012年

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1 滕曉燕;自由貿(mào)易協(xié)定下優(yōu)惠原產(chǎn)地規(guī)則協(xié)調(diào)性研究[D];中國政法大學(xué);2010年

2 武青青;中國-新西蘭自由貿(mào)易協(xié)定原產(chǎn)地規(guī)則法律問題研究[D];廣東商學(xué)院;2010年




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