
當(dāng)前位置:主頁 > 法律論文 > 國(guó)際法論文 >


發(fā)布時(shí)間:2019-03-20 08:11
[Abstract]:As a new method of settlement and financing for commercial transactions factoring provides comprehensive financial services such as account sub-account management account collection bad debt guarantee and financing for international trade on credit. Factoring, in particular international factoring, is a growing share of global trade settlements as it caters to importers' demands for deferred payments as well as exporters' demands for money to be remitted. As a general creditor's right, the exchange value and utilization value of accounts receivable in financial and trade appear day by day, while the transfer of accounts receivable in international factoring bears the brunt of the utilization value of debt. Therefore, the transfer of accounts receivable is actually a norm with the effect of real right for the effect of debtors and third parties. In the increasingly active financial environment, the security of the debt needs to give way to the liquidity of the debt, make the accounts receivable in the international factoring more quasi-property rights, increase the antiquity of the debt, in order to make up for the relativity of the debt, With the increase of the utilization value of accounts receivable in international factoring, the influence of the change of accounts receivable on the third party is increasing gradually. How to deal with the conflict of rights in the transfer of accounts receivable in international factoring is urgent. In order to balance the interests of bona fide third party and importer, and to explore the way of quasi-property right of accounts receivable, this paper intends to apply more extensive international factoring business to factoring business. Based on the current situation of international factoring legal system and the trend of legislation in various countries, this paper focuses on the quasi-property rights of international factoring accounts receivable, and discusses the conflict of rights and the application of laws in international factoring. From the aspects of establishing the international factoring notarization system and the credit risk evaluation system, the author puts forward some suggestions on the perfection of the international factoring system and the related laws and regulations of factoring in China, which can provide reference for the expansion of factoring business in China's trade export and financial circles. To promote the development of international factoring in China's financial practice. This paper is divided into four parts. First, in the light of the legal nature and legal relations of international factoring, this paper introduces the general situation and definition of international factoring in the light of the relevant provisions of States and international organizations on international factoring, It also analyzes the legal nature of the transfer of international factoring claims and the non-causation and independence of the transfer of claims in various countries. Second, the research on the quasi-real right value of international factoring accounts receivable, from the economic and social root of the development of creditor's rights financing and the realistic value of international factoring quasi-real right, etc. This paper focuses on the conflict of rights of accounts receivable in international factoring. Third, perfect our country international factoring accounts receivable quasi-real right path assumption, in order to clarify the rights and responsibilities of all parties in international factoring, protect the rights and interests of the third party, through the analysis of typical cases, The roles of the parties to international factoring, including the due diligence obligation of the factor, the good faith obligation of the factor and the notification obligation of the supplier, are discussed. Fourthly, the suggestions of perfecting the system of factoring quasi-real right include establishing factoring notarization system to realize the enforcement effect of factoring contract, establishing multi-level credit and risk rating system to prevent debtors credit risk. Establish the risk compensation system of factoring financing.


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