x} + B´W(xu)2017TʿՓ
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the improvement of the level of deep sea exploration, the biological diversity of deep seabed outside the national jurisdiction is gradually recognized as a new type of marine resources. The discovery of deep seabed biodiversity has changed the understanding of the inanimate existence of the traditional low temperature (or high temperature), no light, toxic and anoxic environment, and the deep seabed biologic Institute The characteristics of anti low temperature (or high temperature), antivirus, and dark tolerance have greatly enriched the biological gene pool, which have great application value in the fields of human medical, industrial and environmental protection. Therefore, it has aroused wide attention from the international community and has produced great controversy. Development and utilization should be based on the "principle of freedom of the high seas", allowing the free development of all countries; while developing countries insist that the deep seabed biodiversity outside the jurisdiction of the country is another human common heritage following the "region", which should be shared by all human beings. The Convention, whether it is the United Nations Convention on the law of the sea or the Convention on biological diversity, has not made a clear provision for the question of deep seabed biodiversity beyond the jurisdiction of the state. Therefore, the existing international legal framework is not yet effective in regulating it, and no international organization has carried out reasonable supervision. In this case, the international community In particular, it is urgent for developing countries to establish an effective legal regulation system for deep seabed biodiversity under the jurisdiction of the country, standardize its development and utilization as soon as possible, and prevent the preemption of resources from developed countries. The legal attribute of deep seabed biodiversity outside the jurisdiction of the state is the most basic problem in the study of its legal regulation. This article holds that the nature of deep seabed biodiversity outside the jurisdiction of the national jurisdiction is similar to the "region" and its resources, and its nature should also be a common heritage of mankind, with the common interests of all mankind, for the common benefit of all mankind, for the use of and fair share of the interests for peaceful purposes. Under such a premise, human beings need to share the benefits of the exploitation and utilization of deep seabed biodiversity outside the jurisdiction of the national jurisdiction, and also share the responsibility of protecting and preserving the common heritage of the human being. Based on the common heritage property of the deep seabed biodiversity outside the jurisdiction of the country, this article from the benefit sharing Two aspects of responsibility sharing are studied, which are the development and utilization of deep seabed biodiversity outside the jurisdiction of the state, the protection and preservation of the deep seabed biodiversity outside the jurisdiction of the state. In the development and utilization part, the article puts forward the establishment of the quasi entry system, the intellectual property system and the benefit sharing system. The development and utilization of deep seabed biodiversity is regulated through the establishment of the access system, and the creation and utilization of the benefits are stimulated through the establishment of the intellectual property system, while the benefit sharing system can ensure that the benefits of the common heritage of human beings are shared by all human beings. The establishment of a protection system for the regulation of regional, subject and specific behavior, namely, the establishment of a special marine protected area, the formulation of a code of conduct for marine scientific research and environmental impact assessment, in order to form a comprehensive comprehensive protection model. China, as an increasingly important country in the international affairs, is in the scope of the jurisdiction of the state. If there is no clear position and specific countermeasures in the international agenda for biodiversity in the deep seabed, it will not only affect the contention of the maritime rights and interests of our country, but also is not conducive to the establishment of the responsible image of the big country. Therefore, this paper finally puts forward the strategic choice and development of our country's future on the question of deep seabed biodiversity outside the jurisdiction of the country. Spreading path.
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