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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-04-27 13:25

  本文選題:排放權(quán)交易 + 排放權(quán)交易指令; 參考:《西南政法大學(xué)》2011年碩士論文

【摘要】:歐盟排放權(quán)交易機(jī)制是當(dāng)今世界應(yīng)對溫室氣體減排的成功范例。該機(jī)制產(chǎn)生于全球變暖日益嚴(yán)峻的形勢下,并在短短的六年時(shí)間里取得了較好的成效。由于歐盟排放權(quán)交易機(jī)制所進(jìn)行的碳排放權(quán)貿(mào)易不同于以往的貨物貿(mào)易與服務(wù)貿(mào)易,該機(jī)制很可能與現(xiàn)存的國際貿(mào)易規(guī)制措施相沖突。因此對歐盟排放權(quán)交易機(jī)制的法律研究具有很大的必要性。對歐盟排放權(quán)交易機(jī)制進(jìn)行深入系統(tǒng)的研究不僅具有很強(qiáng)的理論意義,更具有重大的現(xiàn)實(shí)意義。這可以對我國碳排放權(quán)交易市場的建立提供很好的借鑒,也便于我國碳排放權(quán)交易制度運(yùn)作過程中更好的與WTO法相一致。 本文將系統(tǒng)闡述歐盟排放權(quán)交易機(jī)制規(guī)則,通過對歐盟排放權(quán)交易機(jī)制立法的解讀將其結(jié)構(gòu)框架進(jìn)行完整呈現(xiàn),探討歐盟排放權(quán)交易機(jī)制是否符合WTO法,最后,提出我國對歐盟排放權(quán)交易機(jī)制的借鑒。 第一部分,引言。本部分從大體上描繪歐盟排放權(quán)交易機(jī)制出現(xiàn)的背景,以及出現(xiàn)后與WTO法規(guī)之間存在的潛在沖突,進(jìn)而引出本文要研究的問題。 第二部分,歐盟排放權(quán)交易機(jī)制的規(guī)則研究。本部分首先闡述歐盟排放權(quán)交易機(jī)制的確立,從宏觀上闡述該機(jī)制。其次對歐盟排放權(quán)交易機(jī)制的立法進(jìn)行深入研究,著重對其交易主體、交易對象與種類、交易期間、排放配額總量及分配、遵守機(jī)制與懲罰措施五方面進(jìn)行分析。最后總結(jié)該機(jī)制的相關(guān)特征。 第三部分,歐盟排放權(quán)交易指令的WTO法合規(guī)性考察。本部分主要通過研究安提瓜訴美國賭博服務(wù)案和歐盟香蕉案等案件的法理,以《排放權(quán)交易指令》第25條為核心,以美國排放權(quán)經(jīng)紀(jì)商服務(wù)為例分析歐盟排放權(quán)交易機(jī)制的合規(guī)性。主要考察歐盟排放權(quán)交易機(jī)制與GATT1994、GATS及GATS的金融附件相關(guān)制度的合規(guī)性。 第四部分,我國對歐盟排放權(quán)交易機(jī)制的借鑒。本部分以前文的分析為前提,總結(jié)歐盟在機(jī)制運(yùn)行該過程中的得失,從而提出我國應(yīng)借鑒的兩個(gè)方面。 第五部分,結(jié)論。本部分對全文進(jìn)行總結(jié),對歐盟排放權(quán)交易機(jī)制的規(guī)則研究和其WTO合規(guī)性中的具體內(nèi)容進(jìn)行歸納總結(jié),綜述筆者對本文的觀點(diǎn)。
[Abstract]:EU emission trading mechanism is a successful example of greenhouse gas emission reduction in the world. The mechanism emerged from the increasingly severe global warming situation and achieved good results in a short period of six years. Because the carbon emissions trading mechanism of the European Union is different from the former trade in goods and services, the mechanism may conflict with the existing international trade regulation measures. Therefore, it is necessary to study the EU emission trading mechanism. It is not only of great theoretical significance, but also of great practical significance to conduct a deep and systematic study on the emission trading mechanism of the European Union. This can provide a good reference for the establishment of carbon emission trading market in China, and also facilitate the operation of carbon emissions trading system in China, which is more consistent with the WTO law. In this paper, the rules of EU emission trading mechanism are systematically expounded, and its structure framework is presented by interpreting the legislation of EU emission trading mechanism, and then it is discussed whether the EU emission trading mechanism conforms to WTO law. Finally, Put forward our country to the European Union emissions trading mechanism for reference. The first part, introduction. This part describes the background of the emission trading mechanism in the European Union and the potential conflict between the emission trading mechanism and the WTO regulations, and then leads to the problems to be studied in this paper. The second part, the European Union emissions trading mechanism rules. This part first expounds the establishment of EU emission trading mechanism, from the macro point of view. Secondly, the legislation of EU emission trading mechanism is studied in depth, focusing on five aspects: trading subject, trading object and type, total amount and distribution of emission quota, compliance mechanism and punishment measure. Finally, the related features of the mechanism are summarized. The third part, the European Union emission trading directive WTO law compliance investigation. This part focuses on Article 25 of the Emission Trading Directive by studying the jurisprudence of Antigua v. American Gambling Services and the Banana case of the European Union. Taking the American emission broker service as an example, this paper analyzes the compliance of the emission trading mechanism in the European Union. The compliance of EU emission trading mechanism with GATT 1994 / GATS and the financial annex of GATS is investigated. The fourth part, our country to the European Union emission right trading mechanism reference. Based on the previous analysis, the paper sums up the gains and losses of EU in the process of mechanism operation, and puts forward two aspects that China should learn from. The fifth part, conclusion. This part summarizes the full text, the rules of the EU emissions trading mechanism and the specific content of its WTO compliance, summarizes the author's views on this paper.


相關(guān)碩士學(xué)位論文 前1條

1 張娟;我國碳排放權(quán)交易制度的立法研究[D];蘭州商學(xué)院;2012年





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