[Abstract]:Professor Zhang Jin is a famous acupuncture scientist at home and abroad. He believes that the key to acupuncture is the use of "force". Only by mastering the essence of "force through acupuncture" can we know the mystery of acupuncture manipulation. Through the in-depth study of Internal Classic and Acupuncture Dacheng, the author further grasps the theory of "force through needle, force in front of needle, needle with force into (point), making needle become the carrier of force" and the detailed operation of acupuncture technique. In operation, we should skillfully gather the strength of the whole body at the tip of the needle, make a skillful effort at the tip of the needle to cause the reaction of replenishment and diarrhea, grasp the opportunity at the tip of the needle to skillfully start the replenishment and diarrhea, use skillfully with the qi, control the meridian qi, and make the qi reach the disease, so as to achieve a good clinical effect.
【作者單位】: 長庚紀念醫(yī)院中醫(yī)部暨長庚大學醫(yī)學院 黑龍江省中醫(yī)藥科學院
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