

發(fā)布時間:2018-07-14 22:00
【摘要】:“治未病”倡導的是“防患于未然”的積極醫(yī)療態(tài)度。“治未病”是中醫(yī)傳統(tǒng)文化理念“防患于未然”在中醫(yī)學中的具體應用,是集中醫(yī)學養(yǎng)生、保健、預防、醫(yī)療、康復于一體的預防的中醫(yī)哲學思維。以我國國情、醫(yī)療模式、健康文化的角度來看,體現(xiàn)了中國特色的健康管理體系理念,蘊涵著我國醫(yī)療衛(wèi)生方針向“以預防為主、防治重心前移”轉(zhuǎn)變的思想和方法。因此,推廣以“治未病”思想為核心理念的健康管理服務是必要的,是符合低投入、高效益、低成本、廣覆蓋的要求。 近年政府提出了“治未病”健康工程方案,初步確定全國部分中醫(yī)院作為開展“治未病”試點。“治未病”健康管理服務工作日益被社會認同與接受,并取得了一定的社會效益。但是與之相配套的支持資源和管理規(guī)范卻沒有跟上,有待進一步配置和完善。社會的認知度和認同度有待提高,有關的服務運行機制和管理機制尚不成熟,國家層面的行業(yè)與學術權威機構也欠缺。對于“治未病”健康管理體系推廣工作,只有中醫(yī)藥管理部門單方面的努力,沒有形成多部門的聯(lián)動。此外,從事服務工作的人才缺乏,開展服務工作的資金投入不足。 論文中筆者在“治未病”健康管理服務發(fā)展現(xiàn)狀和分析的基礎上,提出推廣的相關對策與建議。包括完善運行機制和管理機制,應該構建政府牽頭,,以中醫(yī)藥管理部門為主,多政府部門聯(lián)動的管理運行機制;構建政府、醫(yī)院、社區(qū)和媒體協(xié)作互動的教育傳播網(wǎng)絡,向社會廣泛傳播“治未病”健康管理服務的理念和知識,展示最新理論成果與應用范式;整合醫(yī)院的信息管理系統(tǒng),構建“信息化管理平臺;加強“人才隊伍的培養(yǎng)和建設,建立中醫(yī)藥高校人才的培養(yǎng)模式和中醫(yī)醫(yī)院人才隊伍培養(yǎng)模式;加快“科研與創(chuàng)新技術研究;加大資金投入,增加財政轉(zhuǎn)移支出和建立多合作的融資渠道。
[Abstract]:"treating the disease in the future" advocates the positive medical attitude of "preventing the disease in the early stages". "treating disease before illness" is the concrete application of traditional Chinese medicine culture "preventing troubles in the early stages" in traditional Chinese medicine. It is a philosophical thinking of traditional Chinese medicine which focuses on the prevention of health care, prevention, medical treatment and rehabilitation. From the point of view of our country's national condition, medical treatment mode and health culture, it embodies the concept of health management system with Chinese characteristics, and contains the idea and method of changing our country's medical and health policy to "focus on prevention and treatment". Therefore, it is necessary to popularize the health management service with the core idea of "cure the disease" and meet the requirements of low input, high benefit, low cost and wide coverage. In recent years, the government has put forward the health project of "treating the disease without disease", and has preliminarily determined some Chinese medicine hospitals in the whole country as the pilot project of "treating the disease without disease". Health management service is increasingly recognized and accepted by the society, and has achieved certain social benefits. However, the supporting resources and management standards are not up to date, and need to be further configured and improved. The degree of recognition and recognition of the society needs to be improved, the relevant service operation mechanism and management mechanism are not mature, and the professional and academic authoritative institutions at the national level are also lacking. For the promotion of health management system, only the unilateral efforts of traditional Chinese medicine management departments have not formed a multi-sectoral linkage. In addition, the lack of personnel engaged in service work, the lack of investment in service work. On the basis of the analysis of the present situation and analysis of the health management service, the author puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions for popularizing the health management service. Including improving the operation mechanism and management mechanism, we should build a government-led management mechanism, with traditional Chinese medicine administration as the main department and multi-government departments, and build an educational and communication network in which the government, hospitals, communities and the media cooperate and interact. To widely disseminate the concept and knowledge of health management service of "cure the disease" to the society, to show the latest theoretical achievements and applied paradigms, to integrate the information management system of the hospital, to construct the "information management platform", to strengthen the cultivation and construction of the talent team, To establish the training mode of talents in colleges and universities of traditional Chinese medicine and the training mode of talents in TCM hospitals; to speed up the research on scientific research and innovative technology; to increase the investment of funds; to increase the financial transfer expenditure; and to establish a multi-cooperative financing channel.


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