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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-09-12 09:55
【摘要】:[目的]探究甘草次酸(GA)影響前列腺癌(PC3)細(xì)胞BLM基因的轉(zhuǎn)錄以及細(xì)胞的增殖、遷移、侵襲和凋亡的情況。[方法]MTT法檢測細(xì)胞增殖能力并篩選適宜的藥物濃度,熒光定量PCR檢測BLM基因的表達(dá)量,劃痕法檢測細(xì)胞遷移,Transwell小室檢測細(xì)胞侵襲,流式細(xì)胞儀檢測細(xì)胞凋亡。[結(jié)果]甘草次酸濃度在0.12 mol/L~0.36 mol/L范圍時(shí),隨著濃度增大,細(xì)胞的增殖能力逐漸下降,呈現(xiàn)藥物濃度梯度依賴性;當(dāng)甘草次酸濃度為0.2 mol/L時(shí),PC3細(xì)胞中BLM的mRNA的表達(dá)量僅有對照組的0.2倍;甘草次酸濃度在0.10 mol/L以上時(shí),細(xì)胞的侵襲和遷移能力均顯著減小;流式結(jié)果顯示甘草次酸濃度在0.10 mol/L時(shí),細(xì)胞凋亡率為45.25±0.5**,差異極顯著(P0.01)。[結(jié)論]甘草次酸濃度為0.15 mol/L以上時(shí),能夠下調(diào)PC3細(xì)胞中BLM基因的轉(zhuǎn)錄量(P0.01),在0.12 mol/L~0.36 mol/L范圍時(shí),對PC3細(xì)胞的增殖、侵襲、遷移具有抑制作用,對PC3細(xì)胞凋亡具有促進(jìn)作用。
[Abstract]:[objective] to investigate the effects of glycyrrhetinic acid (GA) on the transcription of BLM gene and cell proliferation, migration, invasion and apoptosis in prostate cancer (PC3) cells. [methods] MTT assay was used to detect the cell proliferation ability and the appropriate drug concentration was screened, the expression of BLM gene was detected by fluorescence quantitative PCR, the cell invasion was detected by scratch assay, and apoptosis was detected by flow cytometry. [results] when the concentration of glycyrrhetinic acid was in the range of 0.12 mol/L~0.36 mol/L, the proliferation ability of the cells decreased gradually with the increase of the concentration, which showed a gradient dependence on the concentration of glycyrrhetinic acid. When the concentration of glycyrrhetinic acid was 0. 2 mol/L, the expression of BLM mRNA in PC3 cells was only 0. 2 times of that in the control group, the invasion and migration ability of the cells decreased significantly when the concentration of glycyrrhetinic acid was above 0. 10 mol/L, and the flow rate showed that the concentration of glycyrrhetinic acid was 0. 10 mol/L. The rate of apoptosis was 45.25 鹵0.5, and the difference was very significant (P0.01). [conclusion] when the concentration of glycyrrhetinic acid is above 0.15 mol/L, the transcription of BLM gene in PC3 cells can be down-regulated (P0.01). At 0.12 mol/L~0.36 mol/L, it can inhibit the proliferation, invasion and migration of PC3 cells and promote the apoptosis of PC3 cells.
【作者單位】: 高原山地動物遺傳育種與繁殖省部共建教育部重點(diǎn)實(shí)驗(yàn)室;貴州省動物遺傳育種與繁殖重點(diǎn)實(shí)驗(yàn)室;貴州大學(xué)生命科學(xué)學(xué)院;


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