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l(f)r(sh)g2018-09-08 12:42
ժҪһоx׃[Ҫ֮һ,c[İl(f)l(f)չP(gun)[(x)o(w)Փo(w)l,ͨ^(gu)ǽͽ(glycolysis);Ǯa(chn),ML(zhng),[(x)@һxc(din)[(x)еձF(xin)Ҏ(gu),QWarburgЧ(yng)WarburgЧ(yng)Hǽͽѭh(hun)ĸ׃,֬ᡢȰzһ̼λTxͨ·[(x)l(f)˴xؾ(metabolic reprogramming),P(gun)xԼ(򲡵)оҲ@ʾc[İl(f)l(f)չP(gun),M(jn)һоWarburgЧ(yng)ęC(j)Ƽc[l(f)l(f)չP(gun)ϵ,Hڽʾ[x׃c[M(jn)չă(ni)P(gun)“(lin),Ҍ[R\߶خԴx(bio)־P[xί²ṩµҕҰC(j)[(x)F(xin)ǽͽ(aerobic glycolysis),WarburgЧ(yng)ʹwữ(oxidative phosphorylation, OXPHOS);p,ǽͽ⼰(pentose phosphate pathway, PPP)γɺȴx;(qing)@NǴxD(zhun)׃ʹ[(x)xL(zhng)(yu)(sh),Hֳ[(x)ṩ(ATP)ǰw()Լoø(Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate NADPH),,[(x)ͨ^(gu)WarburgЧ(yng)γɵ[ữ΢h(hun)[(x)L(zhng)ͽ(rn)D(zhun),,[(x)ͨ^(gu)wữǽͽĴxD(zhun)׃,pٻ(reactive oxygen species,ROS)Įa(chn),ĶppROS(du)[(x)Ķԡ,(li)W(xu)߂[xc[ֳֿo(w)޵ď(f)Ɲܡ(du)L(zhng)̖(ho)IJm(x)ѪMuD(zhun)߱O(jin)ݹͬ(gu)[µİ˴Ԙ(bio)־N،(do)[(x)WarburgЧ(yng)İl(f),ҪУ[(x)ԭī@ȱʧͻ׃,ְȱʧȣ[(x)ǽͽͨ·еP(gun)IøĻԻ_(d)l(f)׃wmtDNAͻ׃朹ȱʧữЧʽm(yng)΢h(hun),[(x)еT(do)Ӹ߱_(d),ζ(g)[xǽͽP(gun)лP(gun)D(zhun)\(yn)׵ı_(d)MWarburgЧ(yng)[Ҫ֮һ,[(x)ͨ^(gu)ͻ׃P(gun)IԵ̖(ho)ͨ·ļm(yng)[ȱ΢h(hun)M(jn)[WarburgЧ(yng),c[l(f)M(jn)չP(gun){(dio)طӼP(gun)I̖(ho)ͨ·[WarburgЧ(yng){(dio)еԲPKCһҰἤøw(Receptor Tyrosine kinase,RTK)G-ż“(lin)w(G protein coupled receptor,GPCR)ĽzᣯKĵ׼ø,(g),Ca2+DAGهĵPKC(PKC-,-,-)DAG-هCa2+هPKC(PKC-,-,-,-)DAGCa2+هIJ͵PKC(PKC-,-).PKC匦(du)(x)L(zhng)xֳ(x)Ǽܵ׵ܵȷҪPKCPKCһ(g)ǵ́,ϼ(x)̖(ho)̼,c{(dio)ؼ(x)L(zhng)x(x)OԵP(gun)P(gun)I̖(ho)(do)ҪоCPKCƿԴM(jn)[ֳuD(zhun),,ǹ(yng)r(sh),PKCƻȱʧܴM(jn)[(x)xؾео,ɽMȥø(HDACs){(dio)صı^zW(xu)׃?c)[ֳwơMķ(wn)Ѫ[аһ(g)ҪɫҪClass ,ClassClassHDACs(gu),P(gun)HDACs[x׃еĹ_(ki)ʼܵ˂P(gun)ע,c[ֳM(jn)չP(gun)Class HDACsǷc[xǴx{(dio)ԲоĿıо״̽ӑPKCƺ͢aHDACsǰٰ(x)ǽͽĹü໥Ì(du)ǴxP(gun)_(d)(x)L(zhng)Ӱ,ԓоH˽PKCƺ͢aHDACsǰٰL(zhng)еúͷәC(j),ҞM(jn)һl(f)F(xin)µ{(dio)[xc(din)춨A(ch)ооҪͨ^(gu)^(gu)_(d)(|(zh))ɔ_(si RNA)IJ̽ӑPKCƻ aHDACsǰٰ(x)Ќ(du)ǽͽ;ga(chn)PKa(chn){(dio)(ji)ü䌦(du)P(gun)׵ı_(d){(dio)(ji)úͷәC(j)ͨ^(gu)ߟɹȾɫ߹ȷC(sh)PKCca HDACsں˃(ni)ĹλԼ໥,{(dio)(ji)ǰٰ(x)ǽͽM(jn)K{(dio)(ji)[(x)L(zhng)ġоY(ji)1. PKCƴM(jn)ǰٰ(x)DU145L(zhng)WarburgЧ(yng)İl(f)PKCƵ^(gu)_(d)M(jn)ǰٰDU145(x)L(zhng)ǵպķ,෴,õǰٰ(x)(ni)ԴPKCƵı_(d)t@ǰٰDU145(x)L(zhng)ǵպķ2. PKCƴM(jn)ǰٰ(x)WarburgЧ(yng)P(gun)׵ı_(d)ͨ^(gu)Real time quantitative RT-PCRWestern blotzy(c)@ʾ,PKCƵ^(gu)_(d)M(jn)ǰٰDU145(x)ǽͽP(gun)סǼD(zhun)\(yn)(HKPFKPMCT4CD 147)ı_(d),õǰٰ(x)(ni)ԴPKCƵı_(d)t@ǰٰDU145(x)ǽͽP(gun)ǼD(zhun)\(yn)(HKPFKPMCT4CD 147)ı_(d)Y(ji)ʾPKCƿͨ^(gu){(dio)(ji)ǰٰ(x)ǽͽP(gun)׵ı_(d)M(jn)WarburgЧ(yng)İl(f)[(x)L(zhng)3.^(gu)_(d)aHDACs (HDAC4,5,7)ǰٰDU145(x)L(zhng)պķоC,HDACsc(x)x֮gһ(g)ѭh(hun)Ч(yng),̽ӑaHDACs (HDAC4,5,7)(du)[(x)L(zhng)ǽͽӰ,҂քeǰٰDU145(x)D(zhun)ȾHA-HDAC4,5,7,șzy(c)^(gu)_(d)(du)ǰٰ(x)L(zhng)Ӱ,Y(ji),^(gu)_(d)HA-HDAC4,5,7@DU145(x)L(zhng)õ̓(ni)ԴHDAC7ı_(d)t@M(jn)DU145(x)L(zhng),,õ̓(ni)ԴHDAC7_(d)DU145(x)D(zhun)\(yn)׵Ƅa-CHCAt׿(ni)ԴHDAC7õ͌(du)(x)L(zhng)ĴM(jn)á,҂M(jn)һzy(c)aHDACs(du)ǵպڵӰ,Y(ji),^(gu)_(d)HA-HDAC4,5,7ԕr(sh)gهؽǰٰ(x)DU145PC-3MպķʾaHDACsͨ^(gu)ؓ(f){(dio)(ji)ǽͽİl(f)[(x)L(zhng)4.aHDACs^(gu)_(d)ǰٰDU145(x)WarburgЧ(yng)P(gun)׵ı_(d)Real time quantitative RT-PCR@ʾ,ǰٰDU145(x)HA-HDAC4,5,7^(gu)_(d)@ǰٰ(x)ǽͽP(gun)ǼD(zhun)\(yn)(HKPFKPMCT4CD 147)ı_(d),Western blot@ʾHA-HDAC4,5,7^(gu)_(d)@ǽͽP(gun)׵ı_(d),Ҳ@ǽͽP(gun)Iø(LDHA,PDH)ȱT(do)(HIF-la)ı_(d)5.PKCcII a HDACsں˃(ni)λҶ໥,õPKCƵı_(d)܉@HDACP(gun)Iλc(din)ữˮƽߟɹȾɫ@ʾ(ni)ԴPKCƿcaHDACsHDAC4,5,7ں˃(ni)λ,߹M(jn)һ@ʾHDAC4,5,7cPKCֱ໥,,õPKCƵı_(d)܉@HDACP(gun)Iλc(din)ữˮƽʾPKCƿcHDAC4,5,7ͬ,ͨ^(gu){(dio)(ji)a HDACsữ,Ķa HDACs(du)ǽͽP(gun)_(d)á6. HDAC7׿PKCƌ(du)DU145(x)L(zhng)ĴM(jn)ü(x)L(zhng)zy(c),õ̓(ni)ԴPKCƵı_(d)@DU145(x)L(zhng),õHDAC7ı_(d)t@M(jn)DU145(x)L(zhng),si-HDAC7si-PKCƵĹD(zhun)ȾM(jn)һ@ʾ,õ̓(ni)ԴHDAC7ı_(d)t׿(ni)ԴPKCƵõ͌(du)DU145(x)L(zhng)塢Y(ji)ՓоY(ji)PKCͨ^(gu)c aHDACs໥,{(dio)(ji)ǰٰ(x)WarburgЧ(yng)P(gun)ı_(d)ķ,ĶM(jn)[(x)L(zhng),@һоM(jn)һ̽ӑǰٰǴx׃c[L(zhng)M(jn)չă(ni)P(gun)“(lin)춨A(ch),ǰٰ\ίṩµĝڰc(din)
[Abstract]:1. Background Metabolism is one of the most important characteristics of cancer, which is closely related to the occurrence and development of tumor. Tumor cells absorb glucose to produce energy through glycolysis pathway in both aerobic and anaerobic conditions to meet the needs of rapid growth. The Warburg effect is not only limited to changes in glycolysis and tricarboxylic acid cycles, but also to metabolic reprogramming of fatty acids, glutamine, serine, and mono-carboxylic units in tumor cells. Therefore, further study on the mechanism of Warburg effect and its relationship with tumor development will not only help to reveal the intrinsic relationship between tumor metabolic changes and tumor progression, but also seek highly specific metabolic markers for clinical diagnosis and targeted treatment of tumor metabolism. New therapeutic strategies offer new insights and opportunities. The aerobic glycolysis (Warburg effect) shown by tumor cells weakens the oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) pathway in mitochondria, while the metabolic pathways such as aerobic glycolysis and pentose phosphate pathway (PPP) to form nucleotides increase. Strong. This abnormal glycometabolic transformation promotes the selective growth of tumor cells. It not only provides energy (ATP), biological macromolecular precursors (amino acids, nucleotides, etc.) and coenzymes (Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate NADPH) for rapidly proliferating tumor cells, but also forms tumor cells through Warburg effect. Acidified microenvironment is conducive to the growth, invasion and metastasis of tumor cells. In addition, the metabolic transformation of tumor cells from mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation to glycolysis reduces the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and thus reduces the toxicity of ROS to tumor cells. Proliferation, apoptosis resistance, unlimited replication potential, insensitivity to growth signals, persistent angiogenesis, tissue invasion and metastasis, and immune surveillance and escape constitute the eight new characteristic markers of tumor. Acquired deletion or mutation, loss of tumor suppressor genes, changes in the activity or expression of key enzymes in the glycolysis pathway in tumor cells, loss of respiratory chain function or decreased oxidative phosphorylation due to mitochondrial mtDNA mutation, high expression of hypoxia-inducible factors in tumor cells, activation of downstream multiple tumors, and adaptation to hypoxia microenvironment Although Warburg effect is one of the most important characteristics of tumors, tumor cells adapt to the Warburg effect of hypoxic microenvironment by mutation of these genes and activation of key signaling pathways. The role of other regulatory molecules and key signaling pathways closely related to tumorigenesis and progression in the regulation of the Warburg effect is still unclear. PKC belongs to a family of serine/threonine proteins activated by Receptor Tyrosine kinase (RTK) and G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR). Kinases, including three subgroups, namely Ca2+ and DAG-dependent typical PKC (PKC-a, -beta, -gamma); DAG-dependent but Ca2+ independent PKC (PKC-delta, -e, -_, -theta); DAG and Ca2+ independent atypical PKC (PKC-_, -_). PKC family plays an important role in cell growth and metabolism, mitosis and proliferation, cytoskeleton protein remodeling. One of the atypical subtypes plays an important role in integrating extracellular signal stimuli and regulating key signaling pathways related to cell growth, metabolism and cell polarity. Programming. Previous studies have shown that epigenetic changes regulated by histone deacetylases (HDACs) play an important role in tumor proliferation, migration, genome stability, angiogenesis and tumor apoptosis. They are mainly composed of Class I, Class II and Class III HDACs. Recently, HDACs have been involved in tumor metabolism. However, it is still unclear whether Class II HDACs, which are closely related to tumor proliferation and progression, are involved in the regulation of tumor metabolism, especially glucose metabolism. This study not only helps to understand the role and molecular mechanism of PKC_and Class II a HDACs in the growth of prostate cancer, but also lays a foundation for further discovery of new targets for regulating tumor metabolism. 3. Research methods This study mainly through overexpression (plasmid) or interference. (si RNA) strategy to investigate the role of PKC_or II a HDACs in regulating the expression of intermediate and end products of aerobic glycolysis pathway and their molecular mechanisms in prostate cancer cells; the co-location and interaction of PKC_and II a HDACs in the nucleus were confirmed by immunofluorescence staining and immunoprecipitation PKC promotes the growth of prostate cancer cell DU145 and Warburg effect. Overexpression of PKC promotes the growth of prostate cancer cell DU145 and glucose uptake and lactic acid secretion. On the contrary, it knocks down prostate cancer cells. The expression of PKC_significantly decreased the growth, glucose uptake and lactic acid secretion of prostate cancer DU145 cells. 2. PKC_promoted the expression of Warburg effect-related proteins in prostate cancer cells. Real-time quantitative RT-PCR and Western blot analysis showed that the over-expression of PKC_promoted the glycolysis of prostate cancer DU145 cells. The expression of related proteins, glucose and lactate transporters (HK II, PFKP, MCT4, CD 147) was significantly decreased by knocking down the expression of endogenous PKC_in prostate cancer DU145 cells, while the expression of glucose and lactate transporters (HK II, PFKP, MCT4, CD 147) was significantly decreased by knocking down the expression of endogenous PKC_. Overexpression of type II a HDACs (HDAC4,5,7) reduces the growth, glucose uptake and lactic acid secretion of prostate cancer DU145 cells. Studies have shown that there is a feedback loop between HDACs and cell metabolism. The effects of type II a HDACs (HDAC4,5,7) on the growth and glycolysis of tumor cells were studied. HA-HDAC4,5,7 was transfected into prostate cancer DU145 cells. The results showed that overexpression of HA-HDAC4,5,7 significantly decreased the growth and survival of DU145 cells. In addition, lactate transporter inhibitor a-CHCA was added to knock down endogenous HDAC7 expression DU145 cells to antagonize the growth-promoting effect of endogenous HDAC7 knockdown. Finally, we further examined the effects of type II a HDACs on glucose uptake and lactate secretion. Expression of HA-HDAC4,5,7 in prostate cancer cells DU145 and PC-3M decreased glucose uptake and lactic acid secretion in a time-dependent manner, suggesting that type II a HDACs may inhibit tumor cell growth by negatively regulating glycolysis. 4. Overexpression of type II a HDACs decreased the expression of Warburg effect-related proteins in prostate cancer DU145 cells. L-time quantitative RT-PCR showed that the overexpression of HA-HDAC4,5,7 in prostate cancer DU145 cells significantly decreased the expression of glycolysis-related proteins, glucose and lactate transporters (HKII, PFKP, MCT4, CD 147) in prostate cancer DU145 cells, and Western blot showed that the overexpression of HA-HDAC4,5,7 in addition to significantly reducing the above-mentioned glycolysis-related proteins. PKC_and II a HDACs were co-localized in the nucleus and interacted with each other, and knocking down the expression of PKC_could significantly reduce the phosphorylation level of the nucleus key sites of HDAC. Immunofluorescence staining showed that endogenous PKC_could be associated with type II a HDACs. HDAC4,5,7 were co-localized in the nucleus. Immunocoprecipitation further showed that HDAC4,5,7 could interact directly with PKC. In addition, knocking down the expression of PKC could significantly reduce the phosphorylation level of the key sites of HDAC exocytosis. Inhibitory effect of HDAC7 on the expression of glycolysis-related genes.6.HDAC7 could antagonize the growth-promoting effect of PKC_on DU145 cells.The results showed that knocking down the expression of endogenous PKC_significantly inhibited the growth of DU145 cells, while knocking down the expression of HDAC7 significantly promoted the growth of DU145 cells. Tapping down the expression of endogenous HDAC7 may antagonize the inhibition of endogenous PKC_on the growth of DU145 cells. 5. Conclusion PKC_can regulate the expression of Warburg-related genes and the secretion of lactic acid in prostate cancer cells by interacting with type II a HDACs. This study will promote the growth of tumor cells. It lays a foundation for further study of the relationship between the changes of glucose metabolism and the growth and progression of prostate cancer, and provides a new potential target for the diagnosis and treatment of prostate cancer.


P(gun)ڿՓ ǰ10l

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P(gun)(hu)hՓ ǰ10l

1 ꑱ;wƳ;i;;;ǻKĩa(chn)wڮλܴM(jn)ǰٰ(x)ֳ[A];Ї(gu)W(xu)(hu)w[ߌI(y)ίT(hu)“(lin)όW(xu)g(sh)(hu)hՓąR[C];2010

2 wƳ;Z;ٱ;ë;S܊;;ǻKa(chn)wǰٰ(x)еı_(d)[A];ʮȫ(gu)ƌW(xu)g(sh)(hu)hՓļ[C];2008

3 ſA;;P(gun);(qing);;оƬYǰٰ(x)ϵ׻A(y)Ŀ(bio)[A];ʮȫ(gu)ƌW(xu)g(sh)(hu)hՓļ[C];2009

4 μx;ߵ܎;đcA;x;;ጦ(du)ǰٰ(x)ֲL(zhng)ƵČ(sh)(yn)о[A];2007A|ʡһƌW(xu)g(sh)(hu)hɽ|ʡ(hu)ՓąR[C];2007

5 S;ŝ;S;Sο;Č;;;n;x;;ЧƺӦ-Boh(hun)RNAеī@[A];ʮȫ(gu)ƌW(xu)g(sh)(hu)hՓļ[C];2008

6 ;w;ɱ;ֽ;;ҺɫV“(lin)|(zh)Vzy(c)ǰٰ(x)x[A];Ї(gu)W(xu)(hu)29ÌW(xu)g(sh)(hu)ժҪ38֕(hu)|(zh)V[C];2014

7 ;ꐰ;L(fng);;Ε;;;ǰٰ(x)wD(zhun)wģ͵Ę(gu)[A];At(y)W(xu)(hu)ʹW(xu)֕(hu)ڰˌ(hu)CASPʮՓļ[C];2009

8 w܊;g(sh)A;;֬|(zh)w錧(do)pPSMApromoter/enhancer-UPRT/5-FUԚϵy(tng)(du)ǰٰ(x)о[A];2007A|ʡһƌW(xu)g(sh)(hu)hɽ|ʡ(hu)ՓąR[C];2007

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P(gun)Ҫ(bo) ǰ2l

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P(gun)ʿW(xu)λՓ ǰ10l

1 ;ǰٰ(x)еPTENĶmiRNA{(dio)о[D];(f)W(xu);2012

2 ;ȻСӻM(jn)ǰٰ(x)еüC(j)о[D];ɽ|W(xu);2015

3 ضA;ǰٰ(x)SUMO׵İl(f)F(xin)͹о[D];ϺͨW(xu);2014

4 ;D(zhun)RUNX3(du)ǰٰ(x)Ա͵Ӱ[D];܊t(y)W(xu);2015

5 ;UBE2TM(jn)ǰٰ(x)Ƥg|(zh)D(zhun)uD(zhun)ƵÙC(j)о[D];ɽ|W(xu);2015

6 ;BDNF/TrkBͨ·(du)ǰٰ(x)Ƥg|(zh)D(zhun)wuʧӰ푼әC(j)Ƶwо[D];AпƼW(xu);2015

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8 ;ǰٰ(x)ϵڵ|(zh)M^P(gun)׹о[D];Ї(gu)܊܊t(y)W(xu)ƌW(xu)Ժ;2008

9 ;miR-375MTDHǰٰ(x)еĹо[D];ϴW(xu);2013

10 Yh;Եøwc(din)ĵXMT(do)ǰٰ(x)ęC(j)о[D];ɽ|W(xu);2013

P(gun)TʿW(xu)λՓ ǰ10l

1 ;~(131)(bio)ӛͰFGF8̽ᘵƂ估䌦(du)ǰٰ(x)wӰ푵Č(sh)(yn)о[D];t(y)ƴW(xu);2015

2 Լt\(yn);̥ɼ(x)ӌ(du)ǰٰ(x)õо[D];ɽ|W(xu);2015

3 ÷_g;miR-27a(du)ǰٰ(x)wƺuӰ[D];II(y)W(xu);2015

4 ԁ;pǰٰ(x)wƺuӌ(du)ɼԵо[D];Vt(y)ƴW(xu);2015

5 c;MiR-101{(dio)ǰٰ(x)CRMP4ı_(d)C(j)Ƶijо[D];ϲW(xu)t(y)W(xu)Ժ;2015

6 ;ڌ(du)ǰٰ(x)D(zhun)L(zhng)-¼smadͨ·Ӱ푵Č(sh)(yn)о[D];t(y)ƴW(xu);2015

7 ;SP-1/3ǰٰ(x)DU145LNCaPеı_(d)ˮƽ(du)PP2A-A{(dio)[D];ώW(xu);2015

8 ;AP-2Ets-1ǰٰ(x)DU145LNCaPеı_(d)ˮƽ(du)PP2A-A{(dio)[D];ώW(xu);2015

9 Ƥ;RKIPĿ¡_(d)Ӱ[(x)wƺͼ(x)zy(c)|(zh)о[D];ϾW(xu);2013

10 ;PKCcaͽMȥø໥{(dio)(ji)ǰٰ(x)WarburgЧ(yng)C(j)[D];Ϸt(y)ƴW(xu);2014




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