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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2019-08-07 08:08
[Abstract]:Objective to analyze the level of nerve development and the influence of complications in premature infants at the age of 1 year, and to provide data for improving the prognosis of nerve development. Methods the data of gestational age, birth weight and complications were collected and the neurodevelopmental level was evaluated by Bayley infant development scale. Premature infants were divided into two groups according to gestational age, birth weight and complications. The mental development index (MDI),) psychomotor development index (PDI) and neurodevelopmental grade of each group were counted. Results at the corrected age of 1 year, the mean number of MDI,PDI in the early birth group was significantly lower than that in the late early birth group (P 0.05), and the intelligence and psychomotor retardation rate was significantly higher than that in the late early birth group (P 0.01). The mean number of MDI,PDI in low birth weight group was significantly lower than that in normal birth weight group (P 0.01). The rate of mental retardation and psychomotor retardation in low birth weight group was significantly higher than that in normal birth weight group (P 0.01). The mean number of MDI,PDI in premature infants with hypercholinemia, birth asphyxia and respiratory distress syndrome was significantly lower than that without such complications (P 0.05). Conclusion the younger the gestational age, the worse the intelligence and motor development level and the higher the rate of developmental retardation in premature infants with lower birth weight. The main complications of neurodevelopmental damage in premature infants may be hypercholinemia, birth asphyxia and NRDS..
【作者單位】: 長(zhǎng)沙市婦幼保健院兒童保健科;


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