

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-06-16 22:42

  本文選題:硅橡膠 + 實(shí)踐 ; 參考:《天津科技大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:Silicone rubber can be seen everywhere in life, it is a kind of highly plastic material, but rarely used in comprehensive material painting, which is a pity. This article chooses silicone rubber as the research object, through a lot of practice activities, grasps the material characteristic excavates the material esthetic feeling, forms and consummates a set of effective performance technique, thus induces the silicone rubber esthetic characteristic. This paper focuses on the special aesthetic characteristics of silicone rubber, fully excavates the potential of silicone rubber in art, and tries to prove that silicone rubber is of great use in art. Like other artists, I hope to attach my feelings, attitudes and values to my favorite materials. The paper mainly includes the following parts. The first chapter introduces the background, significance and emphasis of the research, and the second chapter makes a case study on the Ukrainian artist Alyoxa, and draws the guiding significance. The silicone resin used by Aliosha has many similarities with silicone rubber in this subject. By analyzing his works and his artistic ideas, he understands the difference between silicone rubber and silicone resin. Two aspects of guiding significance are obtained: first, the research method of materials, following the art path of Aliusa decided to adopt the method of simulation test, through personal experience, summed up the aesthetic characteristics of the material. Secondly, the relationship between material and thought, we should pay great attention to the life connotation of material in the research and creation; the third chapter is the main chapter, which is divided into several parts in detail. First of all, the research ideas are sorted out, and then the research process is expounded, mainly from the four angles of creation, cutting, quality changing, and combining with other materials, and how to simulate the shape of things with silicone rubber materials is described. Try to test texture, structure, etc., summarize the experience of material use, and then summarize some material characteristics of silicone rubber according to practice. Finally, according to these practical achievements and cultural background, the aesthetic characteristics of silicone rubber in three aspects, "soft", "pure" and "quiet", are summed up. The fourth chapter is based on the silicone rubber material graduation creation, the research results are applied to the comprehensive material painting creation, elaborated how to choose the topic, the creation process, the psychological feeling and so on.


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